Annual Report 2024

Grants & distinctions
Media Presence

Events organized by fellows

Gruia Badescu

16 February 2024
Memory, Space and Place
Workshop, online

03 April 2024
Nunca más, Memoria ultimei dictaturi argentiniene (The memory of the last Argentine dictatorship)
Talk by Alejandra Naftal (founder and ex-director ex-ESMA), Bucharest (Romania), on-site.

22 May 2024
Monumental Lies. Culture Wars and the Truth About the Past
Public talk by Robert Bevan, Konstanz, on-site.

18-20 July 2024
Diálogos entre Europa del Este y América Latina: Reflexiones sobre el Pasado (Dialogues between Eastern Europe and Latin America: Reflections on the Past)
Roundtable with Carolina Aguilera Insunza (Universidad Catolica, Chile), Gruia Badescu, Mischa Gabowitsch (University of Mainz), Alejandra Naftal (exESMA), Constantin Iordachi (Central European University) at the Memory Studies Association (MSA) Annual Conference, Lima (Peru), on-site.

19 July 2024
La crisis de la memoria: Perspectivas desde sitios de memoria y museos (The Crisis of Memory: Perspectives from Memory Sites and Museums)
Roundtable with Simina Badica (House of European History), Alejandra Naftal (ex-ESMA), Roberto Fuertes (ex-Villa Grimaldi), Memory Studies Association (MSA) Annual Conference, Lima (Peru), on-site.

20 July 2024
Memory-work in Urban SpacePanel at the Memory Studies Association (MSA) Annual Conference, Lima (Peru), on-site.

Anamaria Bentea

19 July 2024
Romanian in the bilingual world
Symposium organised as part of the XVIth International Congress for the Study of Child Language (IASCL 2024), Prague (Czech Republic), on-site.

Ariane Bertogg

14-16 February 2024
Social Institutions and Cognitive Health in Older Age
Network workshop, co-organized with Giulia Tattarini and Damiano Uccheddu, funded with the ECSR Network Workshop Grant, University of Hamburg, on-site.

24 February 2023
Emotions and motivated behaviour in zebrafish and Danionella cerebrum
Workshop by Jakob von Trotha, PhD, TU Braunschweig (Germany)

Elisa Deiss-Helbig

23 February 2024
Social constructions of target populations and their impact on political behavior and public policy
final workshop of the DFG-funded GROUPTA Project, University of Konstanz, on-site.

Gisela Kopp

13-16 March 2024
Gesellschaft für Primatologie Conference 2024
Member of organizing committee, Konstanz, on-site.

Eduardo Luersen

24-25 April 2024
Digital games through muddled pasts and modded history
international workshop, co-organised with James Wilson, University of Konstanz, on-site.

24 June 2024
Troll Security - Espionage in Virtual Worlds
organized public lecture, University of Konstanz, on-site.

Morgane Nouvian

11 July 2024
From individual decisions to collective responses
Symposium at the European Congress of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects, Lausanne (Switzerland), on-site.

Daniela Rößler

June 2024
Natural Herstory
Mixed-media exhibition (photography and videography), raising about 2000 EUR in donations to the Animal Behaviour Collective microgrants via an auction, University of Konstanz, on-site.

Christina Ruiz Agudo

Participation in the annual event to orient pupils of the 11th class from the regional Gymnasium to career and university studies (“Berufs- und Studienorientierung am Gymnasium“: BOGY-Praktikum), Konstanz, on-site.

Tobias Sutter

11-14 March 2024
MoPAT-24 - Moments and Polynomials: Applications and Theory
Co-organizer of international conference, University of Konstanz, on-site.

April 2024-March 2025
Connecting Statistical Logic, Dynamical Systems and Optimization
interdisciplinary seminar series, co-organized with Sven Kosub, Salma Kuhlmann, Stefan Volkwein, University of Konstanz, on-site.

Valeria Vegh Weis

05 September 2023
Green Criminology and Methods
Pre-Conference Workshop, European Society of Criminology, Florence (Italy), on-site.

08 September 2023
Criminalization of Activism
roundtable, European Society of Criminology, Florence (Italy), on-site.

16–18 September2023
Reparaciones para los Pueblos Latinoamericanos III
University of Konstanz, on-site.

25 September 2023
Archivos y el Legado de las Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo
Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut, Berlin, on-site.

James Wilson

18 March 2024
Transversal Dialogues About the Cultural Representation of Migration Across Temporalities and Geographies
workshop, co-organised with Abena Yalley (University of Konstanz) and Carolin Müller (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), University of Konstanz, on-site.

24-25 April 2024
Digital games through muddled pasts and modded history
international workshop, co-organised with Eduardo Luersen, University of Konstanz, on-site.

Abena Yalley

22 August 2023
Obstetric Violence in Ghana
Effiah Nkwanta Hospital Conference Centre, Symposium, Takoradi, Ghana, on-site.

24 August 2023
Patterns and Dynamics of Obstetric Violence in Ghana
Workshop, Sasakawa Conference Centre, University of Cape Coast (Ghana), on-site.

18 March 2024
Transversal Dialogues About the Cultural Representation of Migration Across Temporalities and Geographies
workshop, hybrid.

Grants, Awards & Distinctions

Gruia Bădescu

  • Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (COFUND Programme), RFIEA and LABEX: Marie Curie Fellowship (Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 945408) and FIAS Fellowship, Paris Institute of Advanced Studies (Grant ANR-11-LABX-0027-01), “Urban imaginaries and political ruptures: Three aspiring Parises and their discontents“, 130,000 EUR, 2024-2025
  • Seed Grant for ERC application, German Ministry for Science, Research and Art, 5,858 EUR, 2024

Yitzchak Ben Mocha

  • Associate editor in the journal Proceedings B

Ariane Bertogg

  • Emmy Noether Grant. German Research Foundation (DFG). Project title „Soziale Ungleichheiten in Alternden Gesellschaften: Vereinbarkeit in der zweiten Lebenshälfte und ihre (ungleichen) Konsequenzen für Gesundheit und Partizipation. Eine vergleichende Wohlfahrtsstaatenanalyse“. 1.632,361 EUR
  • European Consortium for Sociological Research (ECSR) Network Workshop Grant. Awarded 2023, received together with Giulia Tattarini and Damiano Uccheddu, February 2024, 5,000 EUR
  • European Society of Health and Medical Sociology (ESHMS), Excellence Prize, Inaugural Edition. Awarded during the ESHMS Biannual Conference, 2-5 July, Antwerp, Belgium, 1,000 EUR

Sidney Carls-Diamante

  • YSF Bridge Fellowship, “Philosophical Explorations of Bipolar Disorder: Agency in Creativity and Suicidality”, 01.01.-30.06.2024
  • Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) (Portugal): Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus-6th Edition (CEEC): Junior Researcher, “Agency, mentality, and mind-body interaction in suicidality in bipolar disorder”, funding period to be determined (3+3 years, starting in 2024)

Elisa Deiss-Helbig

  • POVB ECPR Standing Group, Best Paper Prize, 2023   

Gisela Kopp

  • Harris Distinguished Visiting Professorship, Dartmouth College (Hanover, New Hampshire, USA), Spring Term 2024, 22,000 US-D
  • Zukunftskolleg Interdisciplinary Talent - ZENiT Grant, Using non-human primates to unravel ancient biocultural exchange networks, Zukunftskolleg/University of Konstanz, June 2024 - May 2027, 52,000 EUR
  • Preisauslobung (für Die Junge Akademie), Volkswagen Stiftung, 129,900 EUR
  • Hochschulrat Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, appointed member (from 2024)
  • DFG Senate, permanent guest (2023-2024)
  • Chair of Die Junge Akademie, elected (2023-2024)
  • Evaluation commission, Tenure-Track System, University of Cologne (2023)
  • Hiring Committee for W3 Professorship Immunology, member, University of Konstanz (2023)
  • Board of Die Junge Akademie, elected member (2022-2024)
  • Senate, elected member, University of Konstanz (2021-2025)
  • ALLEA working group European Research Area (ERA), appointed member 

Noelia Martínez-Doallo

  • ANECA (“Agencia Nacional de Evaluación y Acreditación” of the Spanish Government) certification for being hired as profesora contratada doctora, post equivalent to a W1 tenure-track professorship in Germany

Daniela Rößler

  • DFG Emmy Noether Grant (1.5 million Euros) “Sleeping with eight eyes open: morphology, function, ecology and evolution of sleep in spiders”, 2024
  • Travel award, ISBE meeting in Melbourne, Australia (International Society for Behavioral Ecology), 2024, 2,500 AU-D

Christina Ruiz Agudo

  • 3-year research project (Deutsches Stiftungszentrum, Dres. Edith and Klaus Dyckerhoff Foundation), „Calcined Clay Cement (LC3) for Future Development of Customised Admixtures", 180,000 EUR, November 2023-October 2026
  • Substitute Professorship (W2) for Physical Chemistry: Structure and Dynamic of Materials at the Department of Chemistry, since April 2024

Tobias Sutter

  • DFG Individual grant “Statistical foundations of decision making and learning in dynamical environments”, 2023, 321,000 EUR

Valeria Vegh Weis

  • Sellin-Glueck Award (nomination), 2023
  • DFG Funding for a Research Group “Resistance to Atrocity Crimes”, Germany, 2023, 300,000 EUR
  • Summer Academy for Young Professionals Fellowship, International Nuremberg Principles Academy, Germany (fees), 2023
  • Young Criminology Imagination Book Award (nomination), 2024
  • Visiting Scholar Fellowship, Waseda Institute for Advanced Study, Japan (housing), 2024
  • Academic Visitor Fellowship, Oxford University, UK, 2024, 5,000 GBP
  • German representative, “Atrocity Justice Constellations: Mapping the Impacts of International Criminal Justice (Non)Interventions”, COST Action Project, 2023-present    
  • Research Associate, Research Center on Violence, West Virginia University, USA, 2024-present

James Wilson

  • Society for the Medieval Mediterranean’s Simon Barton Postgraduate & ECR Conference Prizes for 2024 to assist in the organisation of the conference “25 Years after Hillenbrand: New Approaches to Sources, Translation and Perspectives”, February 2024, 500 GBP
  • 2024 Messmer Foundation Research Award conferred by the “Werner and Erika Messmer Foundation”, June 2024, 10,000 EUR

Alexandra Windsberger

  • 1st place science poster, V. Interdisciplinary Congress Young Science and Practice of the Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Foundation and the Heinz-Nixdorf-Foundation in cooperation with the Berlin Charité University Medicine, Berlin, 28.11.2023, 5,000 EUR

Media Presence

Gruia Badescu

“Comparison and Its Discontents“, E-Flux, September 2023

“Victoriei Square, Timișoara International Design Competition”. News of being appointed in international jury for the European Capital of Culture´s 2023 main square design competition, Arch Daily, 06.10.2023

“Cine decide cum va arăta centrul Timișoarei? Sunt în joc 1.560.000 de euro, bani publici  (Who decides what the center of Timisoara will look like? At stake are 1,560,000 euros, public money)”, Ziarul Timisoara, 11.10.2023

“Gruia Bădescu, cercetător: „Nimic nu e mai invizibil decât un monument”. Despre capcana reurbanizării orașelor noastre” (“Gruia Bădescu, researcher: "Nothing is more invisible than a monument". About the trap of reurbanization of our cities"), Press One, 22.01.2024

Yitzchak Ben Mocha

“L'uso di "Proto-strumenti" negli Uccelli. I vostri Paper”, Entropy for Life -  Giacomo Moro Mauretto, 15.05.2024

“Birds’ Preparation Methods Vary with the Meal”, Psychology Today, 15.05.2024

Jacob Bloomfield

“‘Drag: A British History” Review: Complex, Yet Ordinary“, Monograph reviewed in ArtReview, Phoebe Blatton, 14.08.2023

““They Helped Win the War”: The Surprisingly Mainstream History of Drag“, article, The Telegraph, 22.08.2023

“How Drag Emerged from Showbiz to be a Cornerstone of Gay Culture“, Profiled in The Stage, Nick Smurthwaite, 07.09.2023

“The dA-Zed Guide to British Drag“, Main source for Dazed, Jake Hall,  07.09.2023

Interviewed about my book by the New Books Network podcast, 12.09.2023

“QX Interviews the Author of Drag: A British History“, Profiled in QX, 13.09.2023

“Dress Code“, article in Air Mail, 20.09.2023

Interviewed about my book by Ed Vaizey on Times Radio, 26.09.2023

“Our Secret History of Drag: Trans Wars to Soldiers and Sex Scandals“, Profiled in The Herald (Scotland), Neil Mackay, 24.12.2023

“The Surprising History of British Drag: A New Book from Jacob Bloomfield Explodes Our Expectations“, Monograph reviewed in New Humanist, Juliet Jacques, 4.01.2024

“Drag: A British History“, Interviewed by BBC History Extra podcast, 12.02.2024

“The History of Drag“, Interviewed by History Hit’s Betwixt the Sheets podcast, 12.04.2024

Eduardo Luersen

“9A Spezial: Zuko - Design: Thinking, Making Doing”, with James Wilson, Podcast 9B, | KIM.LR | Lecture Recording & Media Production (, 23.08.2023

“Computadores em Chamas: a tecnocultura dos jogos em nuvem e sua interação metabólica com os sistemas terrestres” [Computers on fire: the technoculture of cloud gaming and its metabollic interaction with Earth systems], (Flóra Simon da Silva) Tecnocultura Audiovisual,  10.11.2023

“Workshop ‘Earthbound Networks: Muddled Imageries of Sustainability in the Cloud Computing Milieu’”, DIGAREC, January 09.01.2024

Morgane Nouvian

"Bienenstich – wann ist genug?", journal Bienen & Natur, September 2023

Daniela Rößler

“Do spiders dream? What about cuttlefish? Bearded dragons?” Knowable Magazine, August 2023

Alexandra Windsberger

"This is why triage in medicine is problematic", SWR2, 11.01.2024

"Legal aspects of triage", Ärztenachrichtendienst, 18.01.2024

"Catcalling: What are the benefits of a separate criminal offense?",, 08.03.2024


Gruia Badescu

Badescu, Gruia 2023: Difficult Heritage in Southeastern Europe : Local and Transnational Entanglements in Memorializing Political Prisons after Socialism, in: Journal of Contemporary History. Sage. 2023, 59(1), pp. 91-119. ISSN 0022-0094. eISSN 1461-7250. Available under: doi: 10.1177/00220094231210783

Badescu, Gruia 2023: Urban Geopolitics in 'Ordinary' and 'Contested' Cities : Perspectives from the European South-East, in: Geopolitics. Taylor & Francis. 2023, 28(5), pp. 1757-1782. ISSN 1465-0045. eISSN 1557-3028. Available under: doi: 10.1080/14650045.2022.2129010

Badescu, G., Stătică, I. 2023: Architectures of power and the Romanian transition. From the House of the Republic to the Palace of the Parliament, in: Parliament Buildings. The architecture of politics in Europe, edited by Sophia Psarra, Uta Staiger and Claudia Sternberg, London: UCL Press, pp. 223-236.

Badescu, Gruia 2024: Planning the “Victory of Socialism” and its afterlives: The Civic Center of Bucharest before and after 1989, in: Histories of Urban Planning and Political Power. 1. New York: Routledge, 2024, pp. 159-175. ISBN 978-1-003-47522-4. Available under: doi: 10.4324/9781003475224-14

Badescu, Gruia 2024: Remaking the Urban : International Actors and the Post-war Reconstruction of Cities, in: International Studies Quarterly. Oxford University Press. 2024, 68(2), sqae054. ISSN 0020-8833. eISSN 1468-2478. Available under: doi: 10.1093/isq/sqae054

Badescu, G. 2024: Frontier Urbanism and Memory Politics in Twentieth-Century Rijeka/Fiume. In: Competing Memories of European Border Towns, edited by Steen Bo Frandsen, Jörg Hackmann, Kimmo Katajala, pp. 170-188.

Yitzchak Ben Mocha

Ben Mocha, Y., Frisoni, F., Keynan, O., Griesser, M. 2024: Proto‑tool use for food processing in wild Arabian babblers: matching processing methods, substrates and prey types. Animal Cognition. pp. 27-35.

Anamaria Bentea

Bentea, A.: An Investigation into the Production of Which-Questions by Romanian-speaking children and adults. In: Festschrift for Larisa Avram and Andrei Avram.

Gordon-Dana, C., Bentea, A., Durrleman, S. 2024: Bilingualism Effects On Theory Of Mind In Children With DLD, In: Hyatt Abdullah, Ali AlThagafi and Jupiter Ray (eds.): Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. Cascadilla Press. pp. 223-234

Ariane Bertogg

Bertogg, A. Galos, D. 2024: Double (Dis)Advantage: The Cumulative Role of Parental Resources and the Institutional Context in Intergenerational Time and Money Transfers. Social Forces. Doi:

Bertogg, A., Imdorf, C. 2024: Education Systems as Life Course Policies? The Example of Subnational Educational Regimes and Young Adults’ Family Transitions, Journal of Social Policy Research. Doi:

Bellani, L., Bertogg, A., Kulic, N., Strauss, S. 2024: Does raising awareness about inequality decrease support for school closures? An information treatment survey experiment during the COVID-19 pandemic, Genus 80, 7.

Guest editor for special issue Understanding Cognitive Ageing: Individuals, Institutions, Inequalities in Social Science and Medicine, 2024-2025.

Jacob Bloomfield

Bloomfield, J. 2024: Assessing the Reception to Little Richard’s Queer Sexuality and Gender Presentation, 1955-2020, submitted to the Journal of the History of Sexuality (submitted, pending approval)

Is Drag a Queer Art Form? Watching and Joining Ex-Servicemen’s Drag Revues in Post-War Britain. In: Farrier, S. Edward, M., Sterk, G., eds.: The Routledge Companion to Drag (Routledge, expected 2025). (submitted, under review)

Sidney Carls-Diamante

Carls-Diamante, S. 2024: On the multiplicity of consciousness. Philosophical Psychology, pp. 1-25. DOI:

Carls-Diamante, S. and Laciny, A. 2024: Atrapado en la incertidumbre: El procesamiento predictivo y la inferencia activa en el comportamiento procrastinador del autismo/Stuck in uncertainty: A predictive processing/active inference account of procrastination-like behaviour in autism. Lógoi. Revista de Filosofía, vol. 45, pp. 88-114. DOI:

Noelia Martínez-Doallo

Martinez-Doallo, N. 2024 [forthcoming]: The issue of bodily rights alienation. In: Seoane, J.-A. and Vergara, O. (eds.): The discourse of biorights. Bioethics, biopolitics, biolaw. Springer International Publishing Switzerland (EN).

Martinez-Doallo, N. 2024: La agencia intencional prospectiva de Alan Gewirth como límite a la proliferación de nuevos derechos. In: Crego, J. & Pereira Sáez, C. (eds.), Los nuevos derechos humanos. Teoría jurídica y praxis política. Granada: Comares. ISBN: 978-84-1369-811-3.

Morgane Nouvian

Ramirez-Moreno, D., Galizia, C.G, Nouvian, M.: Division of labour during honeybee colony defence: poetic and scientific views. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. (accepted)

Daniela Rößler

Lötters, S., Plewnia, A., [...], Rößler, D.C., [...], La Marca, E. 2023: The amphibian extinction crisis is still an emergency, Communications Earth & Environment, 4(1).

Rößler, D.C., Klein, B.A. 2024: More sleep for Behavioral Ecologists. In: Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A.

De Agró, M., Rößler, D.C., Shamble, P.S. 2024: Eye-specific detection and multi-eye integration model of biological motion in jumping spiders, Journal of Experimental Biology.

Plate, J., Rößler, D.C. 2024: Variation in predator recognition across three species of jumping spiders (Salticidae), Animal Behavior and Cognition, 11(1).

Plewnia, A., Lötters, S., Gomides, S., De Agrò, M., Rößler, D.C. 2024: Sex-specific ventral dichromatism and melanization in harlequin toads (Atelopus): a common but overlooked character of unknown function, Evolutionary Ecology.

Chakravarty, P., Ashbury, A.M., Strandburg-Peshkin, A., Iffelsberger, J., Goldshtein, A., Schuppli, C., Snel, K.R.S., Charpentier, M.J.E., Núñez, C.L., Gaggioni, G., Geiger, N., Rößler, D.C., Gall, G., Yang, P., Fruth, B., Harel, R., Crofoot, M.C.: The sociality of sleep in animal groups, Trends in Ecology and Evolution. (accepted)

Wolff, J.O., Rößler, D.C., (accepted): Evolution: decoding the adaptation of multi-eyed visual systems, Current Biology. (accepted)

Cristina Ruiz Agudo

Ruiz-Agudo, C., Cölfen, H. 2024: Exploring the Potential of Nonclassical Crystallization Pathways to Advance Cementitious Materials. Chemical Reviews. 124, 12, 7538-7618.     

Ruiz-Agudo, E., Ibanez-Velasco, A., Ruiz-Agudo, C., Bonilla-Correa, S., Elert, K., Rodriguez-Navarro, C. 2024: Damage to porous building materials by sodium carbonate crystallization and the effect of additive. Construction and Building Materials. 411, 134591.

Ruiz-Agudo, E., Ruiz-Agudo, C. 2024: Geochemical applications of mineral-water interactions. In: 3rd edition of the Treatise of Geochemistry. (accepted)

Daniel Skibra

Skibra, D.: Desire Contents and Temporal Adverbs, Studia Semiotyczne. (accepted)

Tobias Sutter

Richner, Y., Kuhn, D., Sutter, T. 2023: End-to-End Learning for Stochastic Optimization: A Bayesian Perspective, International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). (accepted)

Boetius, D., Leue S., Sutter, T. 2023: A Robust Optimisation Perspective on Counterexample-Guided Repair of Neural Networks, International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). (accepted)

Petersen, F., Sutter, T., Borgelt, C., Huh, D., Kuehne, H., Sun, Y., Deussen, O. 2023: ISAAC Newton: Input-based Approximate Curvature for Newton’s Method, International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR). (accepted)

Ganguly, A., Sutter, T. 2023: Optimal learning via Moderate Deviations Theory, under review at Probability Theory and Related Fields, available at arXiv:2305.14496. (under review)

Schmid, N., Fochesato, M., Li, S., Sutter, T., Lygeros, J. 2023: Computing Optimal Joint Chance Constrained Control Policies, under review at IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, available at arXiv:2312.10495. (under review)

Sutter, T., van Parys, B., Kuhn, D. 2024:  A Pareto Dominance Principle for Data-Driven Optimization, accepted at Operations Research, available at arXiv:2010.06606. (accepted)

Schmid, N., Fochesato, M., Sutter, T., Lygeros, J. 2024: Joint Chance Constrained Optimal Control via Linear Programming, IEEE Control Systems Letter, available at arXiv:2402.19360. (accepted)

Schmitt-Foerster P., Sutter, T. 2024: Regularized Q-learning through Robust Averaging, ICML. (accepted)

Petersen, F., Borgelt, C., Sutter, T., Kuehne, H., Deussen, O., Ermon, S. 2024: Newton Losses: Boosting Performance of Non-Convex and Hard-to-Optimize Loss Functions, under review at ICML. (under review)

Kamoutsi, A., P. Schnitt-Förster, P., Sutter, T., Cevher, V., Lygeros, J. 2024: Randomized Algorithms and PAC Bounds for Data-Driven Inverse Stochastic Optimal Control, under review at COLT. (under review)

D. Boetius, D., Leue, S., Sutter, T. 2024: Probabilistic Verification of Neural Networks using Branch and Bound, to be submitted to NeurIPS. (under review)

Li, M., Kuhn, D., Sutter, T. 2024: Policy Gradient for Robust MDP with General Uncertainty Sets, under review at SIAM Journal on Optimization, available at arXiv:2305.19004. (under review)

Valeria Vegh Weis


Zaffaroni, C., Vegh Weis, V. 2023: Lawfare: The Criminalization of Politics in the Global South. Brill.

Vegh Weis, V. 2024: Historia de la (in)justicia. CLACSO.

Coordination of edited volumes

Cavalcanti, Fonseca, Vegh Weis, Carrington, Hogg, and Scott: The Palgrave Handbook of Criminology and the Global South, Palgrave. (accepted)

Duff, Rossdale, Rossi, Vegh Weis and Weizman: Resisting Criminalisation. Pluto Press. (accepted)

Book Chapters and Peer-Reviewed Articles

Teitel, Vegh Weis 2023: Transitional Justice and Human Rights. In: History of Latin American Law in Global Perspective, Duve and Herzog (eds.). Cambridge, pp. 460-484.

Vegh Weis, V. 2023: A Marxist Analysis of International Criminal Law and Its Potential as a Counter-Hegemonic Project. In: International Criminal Law—A Counter-Hegemonic Project?, Jeßberger, Steinl and Mehta (eds.). Springer, pp. 63-84.

Vegh Weis, V. 2023: The Rejection of Immunities for International Crimes. A Solution for the Survival of the International Criminal Justice Project?In: Domesticating International Criminal Law: Reflections on the Italian and German Experiences, Jeßberger, Meloni and Crippa (eds.). Routledge, pp. 247-256.

Vegh Weis, V. 2023: Toward a Criminology of the Holocaust?, Kriminologisches Journal 55, no. 1, 38-52.

Vegh Weis, V. 2023: Who Can Organize and Exercise Effective Resistance? A Victim-Driven Approach to Confront State Crime, Theoretical Criminology 17, no. 3, pp. 380-403.

Vegh Weis, V. 2023: La Prefectura Naval Argentina y el “Cambio de Paradigma” en la Persecución de la Pesca Ilegal. Una mirada desde las Criminologías Verde y Azul, Delito y Sociedad, 55.

Vegh Weis, Rey 2024: Argentina’s Commitment to International Criminal Justice to Address the Crimes of the Last Dictatorship (1976–1983), International Criminal Law Review XX, pp. 1–14.

Vegh Weis, Cunneen 2024: Can Indigenous truth commissions overcome the legacies and contemporary effects of colonialism? A study on the Australian-Canadian experience to explore possible paths in Argentina, The International Journal of Restorative Justice, 1.

Vegh Weis, V.: Argentine Truth Commission. In: Romero: Memory Papers, Parmentier (ed.). Leuven University Press. (accepted)

Vegh Weis, V.: Southerning Non-punitive and Abolitionist Feminism. In: Abolitionist Handbook, Coyle (ed.), Bristol University Press. (accepted)

Vegh Weis, V.: Memory as a Narrative for Non-Repetition. Reflections on the transitions in Colombia and Argentina. Narrating Transitional Justice, in Ugor (ed.), McGill-Queens University Press. (accepted)

Vegh Weis, V.: Politics and Activism. In: Memory as Power: Historical Criminology and the Role of the Past in Critical Scholarship, Bleackley (ed.), De Gruyter. (accepted)

Vegh Weis, V.: The Ping-Pong Strategy: Confronting Atrocities from the Exile. In: The International Journal of Human Rights. (accepted)

Vegh Weis, V.: Southern perspectives on Wildlife Crime. Non-punitive responses to IUU in Argentina. In: Handbook on Wildlife Crime, Masse et al. (eds.), Palgrave. (accepted)

Vegh Weis, Romano: Southering Lawfare: Indicators of the judicialization and criminalization of progressive politics in Latin America, Handbook of Crime and Punishment in Latin America, Iturralde and Sozzo (eds.), Routledge. (accepted)

Vegh Weis, V.: Mass Atrocities Resistance from the Bottom Up. Lessons from the Global South, Oslo Holocaust Center (ed.), Bristol University Press. (accepted)

Vegh Weis, V.: Southern Green Victimology: A look at the Cycle of Environmental Harms, Resistance and Over-criminalization, Punishment in Latin America: Explorations from the Margins, Sozzo and Dal Santo (eds.), Emerald. (accepted)

Vegh Weis, V.: Neocolonialism through Donors Aid. Northern-funded Transitional Justice Entrepreneurs and the Undermining of an Independent Victims’ Agenda in Kenya, Southernising Criminology, Dal Santo and Sepulveda (eds.), Routledge. (accepted)

Alexandra Windsberger

Windsberger, A. 2024: Legal linguistics and text recognition in the context of the digitalization of law: On digital Bermuda triangles and artificially intelligent interns in criminal law. In: Wörner, Wilhelmi, Glöckner, Breuer, Behrendt: Digitalization of Law, pp. 27-41.

James Wilson

Wilson, J. 2023: 1116–1126: Ibn al-ʿAdīm on Christian–Muslim Crop Sharing (munāṣafa) Treaties, Transmediterranean History, vol 5:1.

Wilson, J. 2024: 1177: Ibn al-ʿAdīm on a Zengid Commander of “Frankish” Origin, Transmediterranean History, vol 6:1.

Wilson, J. 2024: Saljuq Aleppo. In: Michael S. Fulton (ed.): A Military History of the Levant during the Era of the Crusades; Conflict and Perspective. (submitted)

Wilson, J. 2024: Curating the enemy? Re-reading the Recueil des historiens des croisades: historiens orientaux. Accepted subject to minor revisions by the journal Crusades. (submitted)

Abena Yalley

Yalley, A. A., Jarašiūnaitė-Fedosejeva, G.,  Kömürcü-Akik, B., Abreu, L. 2024:  Addressing obstetric violence: a scoping review of interventions in healthcare and their impact on maternal care quality. In: Frontiers in Public Health. Volume 12.

Yalley, A., Azubuike, C. M.  2024: PUMP and PWFA Laws for Women in the USA: What Is It and Why Are Women Still Concerned? Commentary. Gender and Behavior. (accepted)
Preprint available online:

Olutayo, M.O, Yalley, A. A. 2024: Caring for My Old Age: Social Protection and Women in the Informal Sector in Selected Communities in Ibadan (Nigeria).  In: Old Age, Gender, Social Security in Africa and Europe.
ISBN: 978-3-643-91573-3     

Yalley, A. A, Kofi,D. 2024: Restitution is Equal to What? The Return of the Head of Badu Bonsu II and Its Implication for the Ahanta People of Ghana, Vanderhoeck & Ruprecht Unipress. (accepted)

Yalley, A. A. 2024: Layers of Inequality: Gender, Medicalisation and Obstetric Violence in Ghana, International Journal for Equity in Health (Springer). (under review)

Yalley, A. A. 2024: Politics of Reproduction and Authority Abuse: The Reality of Obstetric Violence in Ghana, Frontiers in Public Health. (about to submit)


Gruia Badescu

"Negative Heritage in Southeastern Europe: Local and Transnational Entanglements in Memorializing Political Prisons after Socialism", Post/Socialist Memory Cultures in Transition. 2nd PoSoCoMeS Conference, Tallinn (Estonia), September 2023, on-site.

"Urban Geopolitical Entanglements: International Actors and the Post-War Reconstruction of Cities", Cities After Transition – 10th International Urban Geographies of Post-Communist States Conference, Riga (Latvia), September 2023, on-site.

"Making Sense of Urban Destruction: Architecture, Memory, and Repair", Public Talk, NETIAS Annual Meeting, Konzil Konstanz, Konstanz (Germany), 11 October 2023, on-site.

"Hilos Enredados: Sitios de Memoria e Historias Multiescalares de Violencia en Chile. Reflexiones a 50 años del Golpe de Estado en Chile", Symposium, Konstanz (Germany), 19 October 2023, on-site.

"Urban Imaginaries and Political Ruptures: Three Aspiring Parises and Their Discontents", École Française d'Athènes, Athens (Greece), 2 November 2023, on-site.

"Urban Imaginaries and Political Ruptures: Decolonizing Parisian Imaginaries in Beirut, Bucharest, and Buenos Aires", Decolonial Imaginaries, workshop, Basel (Switzerland), November 2023, on-site.

"Slow Memory and the City: Frames and Horizons", Slow Memory - Memory in the City, Workshop, 17 November 2023, online.

"Emancipatory Promises? Contemporary Reframings of Nationalism and Imperial Duress in Central and Eastern Europe", Workshop "New Perspectives on Memory Culture and National Identity in the Post-Soviet Space", Konstanz (Germany), January 2024, on-site.

"Revisiting Cosmopolitanism in Contemporary Europe", Brussels Institute for Social and Population Studies at Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels (Belgium), 7 May 2024, on-site.

"Emancipatory Promises: Revisiting Nationalism and Anti-Imperial Struggle in-Between the East of Europe and the Global South", Postcolonial, Decolonial, Postimperial, Deimperial, Conference, University of Rijeka, Rijeka (Croatia), 16 May 2024, on-site.

"Confronting the Past: Post-War Reconstruction in Beirut and Sarajevo", The Presence of Past Disasters: Conference on Post-Disaster Reconstruction, Downing College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge (United Kingdom), 20 May 2024, on-site.

"Realms of Slow Memory: Architecture and the City", Slow Memory Roundtable, Belgrade (Serbia), 29 May 2024, on-site.

"Discussing Lea David's Book 'Past Can't Heal Us'“, PoSoCoMeS Online Series, 2 June 2024, online.

"Urban Imaginaries and Political Ruptures: Reshaping ‘The Paris of the Balkans’ in a Global Perspective", Colloquium for South-East European History, University of Regensburg, Regensburg (Germany), 13 June 2024, on-site.

"Recentering the Region: Bridges to a Global South-East. Re(k)nown: The Regions from Within", RUTA Inaugural Annual Conference, Voevodyno (Ukraine), 28 June 2024, on-site.

"Spatial memory-work: Making sense of violence and destruction in post-dictatorship cities", Memory Studies Association Annual Conference, Lima (Peru), 18 July 2024, on-site.

Yitzchak Ben Mocha

“Co-BreeD: advancing comparative research on cooperative breeding with a Cooperative-Breeding Database”, Konstanz School of Collective Behaviour, University of Konstanz, 23 July 2024, on-site.

Anamaria Bentea

“Syntactic Processing in Child Heritage Language Bilinguals: An Eye-tracking Study with Which-questions in Romanian”, RUEG 2023 - Linguistic Variability in Heritage Language Research, Berlin (Germany), September 2023, on-site.

“Romanian children’s real-time comprehension and production of Which-questions with and without number mismatch”, The Romance Turn 11, Madrid (Spain), September 2023, on-site.

“Effects of person mismatch on the comprehension of clefts in French”, (with Ur Shlonsky and Stephanie Durrleman), The Romance Turn 11, Madrid (Spain), September 2023, on-site.

“Which-questions with and without number mismatch: Comparing comprehension and production in Romanian children and adults”, 8th Bucharest Colloquium of Language Acquisition, Bucharest (Romania), November 2023, online.

“Mituri / realități despre multilingvism și sfaturi practice legate de păstrarea multilingvismului în familie”, invited speaker as part of the DRDP funded project Școala Românească Ilinca - 6 ani de limbă, cultură și civilizație românească, Rumänisch-Deutsche Vereinigung in Baden-Württemberg e.V., Karlsruhe (Germany), November 2023, on-site.

“Wh-questions in child heritage speakers of Romanian in Germany”, Going Romance XXXVII, Nijmegen (Netherlands), December 2023, online.

“Wh-questions in Romanian Child Heritage Speakers: Investigating the Use of Differential Object Marking and Number Agreement in Comprehension and Production”, (with Theo Marinis), 5th International Symposium on Bilingual and L2 Processing in Adults and Children, Swansea (Wales), May 2024, on-site.

“Subject and object wh-question comprehension among Farsi-speaking adults, monolingual children, and heritage child speakers of Farsi”, (with Tina Ghaemi), Conference on Multilingualism, Aix-en-Provence (France), June 2024, on-site.

What’s in a question? Comprehension and production of which-questions in child heritage Romanian”, (with Theo Marinis), International Congress for the Study of Child Language (IASCL 2024), Prague (Czech Republic), July 2024, on-site.

“Bilingualism effects in children with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)”, (with Stephanie Durrleman and Clémence Gordon-Dana), International Congress for the Study of Child Language (IASCL 2024), Prague (Czech Republic), July 2024, on-site.

Ariane Bertogg

European Consortium of Sociological Research (ECSR) Annual Conference, Prague (Czech Republic), 18-20 September 2023.

SLLS Conference, LMU Munich (Germany), 9-11 October 2023.

LIVES Conference, Lausanne (Switzerland), 9-10 November 2023.

DGS Medical Sociology / Ageing and Society Joint Spring Meeting, TU Dortmund (Germany), 29 February-1 March 2024.

PhD Symposium, Radboud University Nijmegen (Netherlands) (invited), 7 June 2024.

EPS, Edinburgh (Scotland), 12-15 June 2024.

European Society for Health and Medical Sociology (ESHMS) biannual conference, Antwerp (Belgium), 3-5 July 2024.

Jacob Bloomfield

“Drag“, Institute of Historical Research History of Sexuality seminar series, University of London, London (UK), September 2023, online.

“Is Little Richard a Queer Icon?”, European Sociological Association Sexuality Research Network Mid-term Conference, University of Zagreb (Croatia), September 2023, on-site.

“Drag“, University of Konstanz (Germany), November 2023, on-site.

“Drag“, Pallant House Gallery, Chichester (UK), November 2023, on-site.

“Drag“, SOAS University of London (UK), November 2023, on-site.

“Drag“, School of History, University of Kent, Canterbury (UK), November 2023, on-site.

“Drag“, Modern British History Seminar, University of Oxford (UK), November 2023, on-site.

“Drag“, School of History, Classics & Archaeology, The University of Edinburgh (UK), November 2023, on-site.

“Drag Through the Gardiner Collection“, Wellcome Collection, London (UK), January 2024, online.

‘“God’s Bouquet”: Little Richard, the Counterculture, and the “Silent Majority”, 1969–70’, American Historical Association annual meeting, San Francisco (USA), January 2024, on-site.

„Drag: A British History“, Rose Bruford College, Sidcup (UK), March 2024, online.

“Intro to Queer History and its Methods“, SOAS, University of London (UK), April 2024, on-site.

“Kink and Drag: A Discussion“, Modern Cultural History Seminar, University of Cambridge (UK), May 2024, on-site.

“Is Drag a Queer Art Form? Watching and Joining Ex-Servicemen’s Drag Revues in Post-War Britain“, Queer Contemporary Histories: International and Intersectional Perspectives, Freie Universität, Berlin (Germany), July 2024, on-site.

Elisa Deiss-Helbig

“Gender and Group Appeals: Exploring Women’s and Men’s Responses to Promises Appealing to Women”, CPPE Colloquium, Konstanz (Germany), 18 December 2023, on-site.

“The Organizational Power of Politically Relevant Target Populations”, Jahrestagung AK Organisierte Interessen, Stuttgart (Germany), 15-16 February 2024, on-site.

“Comparing election pledges and their characteristics in France and Germany”, Workshop of the Comparative Pledges Project, Graz (Austria), 18-19 April 2024, on-site.

“Group Politics Unveiled: Examining Voters’ Reactions to Group-Based Appeals”, 14th Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association, Cologne (Germany), 4-6 July 2024, on-site.

“How deserving? Measuring social constructions of groups based on media discourses”, 14th Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association, Cologne (Germany), 4-6 July 2024, on-site.

“How (un-)equal is pledge-making? Marginalized groups and elected executives' pledges in France and Germany (1995-2022)”, 14th Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association, Cologne (Germany) 4-6 July 2024, on-site.

Julia Ditter

“The Mineral Kingdom: Reading the Nation from Below.” RSVP Annual Conference, University of Stirling (UK), 13-15 June 2024, on-site.

Gisela Kopp

Podiumsdiskussion “Zur Rolle der Universitäten im deutschen Wissenschaftssystem” anlässlich der Verabschiedung von Präsident Prof. Rosenthal, Jena (Germany), 24 October 2023, on-site.

“Baboons in Ancient Egypt: Geographic origin of mummified baboons as revealed by ancient DNA analysis”, Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris (France), 20 December 2023, on-site.

“Baboons in Ancient Egypt: Geographic origin of mummified baboons as revealed by ancient DNA analysis”, Boston University, Boston/US, 17 April 2024, on-site.

“African Savannah Monkeys”, Dartmouth College, Hanover (US), 16 May 2024, on-site.

Eduardo Luersen

“How to grow crops while gaming: heat as an economic asset of cloud-based infrastructure services”, Talk at the Future and Reality of Gaming 2023 Conference (FROG 2023), Vienna (Austria), 14 October 2023, on-site.

“Computadores em chamas: a termocultura dos jogos em nuvem e sua interação metabólica com os sistemas terrestres” [Computers on fire: the thermoculture of cloud gaming and its metabollic interaction with Earth systems], Invited Keynote Lecture at the 21st Week of Image, São Leopoldo (Brazil), 09 November 2024, online.

“Earthbound networks: muddled imageries of sustainability in the cloud computing milieu”, Invited Talk at the same titled workshop, Potsdam (Germany), 11 January 2024, on-site.

Noelia Martinez-Doallo

“Research Independence vs. Common Good: Placing the Mission of Research Institutions at the Heart of the Discussion”.  ERUA Summit 2023 – Why Universities? Reimagining higher education and research, 11 October 2023, Roskilde University (Denmark), on-site.

Participation in the “First Workshop of the EuniWell #Research Expert Focus Groups on Cross-Cutting Principles”, 17 January 2024, organized by the University of Murcia (Spain), online.

Morgane Nouvian

"Das Stechverhalten der Biene" Imkerverein Ravensburg (Germany), 12 March 2024, on-site.

"Das Stechverhalten der Biene", Imkerverein Stockach (Germany), 05 April 2024, on-site.

“Social regulation of sting alarm pheromone responsiveness in honeybees”, ISOT, Rekjavik (Iceland), 23 June 2024, on-site.

“Communication during colony defence in bumblebees, Bombus terrestris”, IUSSI-EU, Lausanne (Switzerland), 8 July 2024, on-site.

Daniela Rößler

“Sleep diversity–what can we learn from non-model organisms? An eight-legged example“, Seminar series at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology, Jena (Germany), June 2023, on-site.

Sleep diversity–what can we learn from non-model organisms? An eight-legged example“, Seminar series Center for Chronobiology, University of Basel (Switzerland), November 2023, on-site.

The spider sleeps tonight: an exceptional framework for comparative sleep research”, Plenary talk at the meeting of the Ethological society, February 2024.

The spider sleeps tonight: an exceptional framework for comparative sleep research”, seminar at the VetMedUni Vienna (Austria), April 2024.

“The spider sleeps tonight: an exceptional framework for comparative sleep research“, Seminar at the University of Hamburg (Germany), April 2024.

Cristina Ruiz Agudo

Organic additive´s influence on (the very early stages) of M-S-H formation”, Internation Cement Chemistry Conference 2023, Bangkok (Thailand), 20 September 2023, on-site.

”Crystallization of (alternative) cement hydrates”, Granada-Münster Discussion Meeting, Münster (Germany), 01 December 2023, on-site.

“Early stages of the crystallization cement hydrates in the presence of additives”, Invited talk EMPA, Dübendorf (Switzerland), 11 January 2024, on-site.

“Magnesium Silicate Hydrate(M-S-H) formation from waste MgO hydrates”, ´FluidNet conference´, Heraklion (Greece), 21 March 2024, on-site.

Daniel Skibra

"Normative Generics: Doing Things with Definitions" (joint work with Hadil Karawani (Konstanz)), Authority and Metalinguistic Speech Acts Workshop, Nova University Lisbon (Portugal), 25 January 2023.

"Initialization and self ascription", European Congress of Analytic Philosophy (ECAP) 11, University of Vienna (Austria), 25 August 2023.

"Desire content and temporal adverbs", Philosophy and Generative Grammar (P&GG) 2 workshop, Universidad del Valle, Cali (Colombia), 10 May 2024, online.

"Self Ascription and Primitiveness" & "Negotiating Scripts with Normative Generics" (joint work with Hadil Karawani (Konstanz)), 7th Philosophy of Language and Mind Network Conference (PLM7), Charles University, Prague (Czech Republic), 26-28 August 2024.

Tobias Sutter

 “A General Framework for Optimal Data-Driven Optimization”, Quantitative Methods and Learning Research Seminar, University of St.Gallen (Switzerland), September 2023.

“Data-driven distributionally robust optimization: Classification of ambiguity sets”, Workshop: Data Driven Combinatorial Optimization, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, Paris (France), October 2023.

“A General Framework for Optimal Data-Driven Optimization, Large Scale Learning and Control”, IITB Mumbai (India), December 2023.

“A General Framework for Optimal Data-Driven Optimization”, Seminar, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Tuebingen (Germany), January 2024.

“Policy Gradient Algorithms for Robust MDPs with Non-Rectangular Uncertainty Sets”, Seminar, CWI Amsterdam (Netherlands), April 2024.

“Policy Gradient Algorithms for Robust MDPs with Non-Rectangular Uncertainty Sets”, French-German-Spanish Conference on Optimization, Gijon (Spain), June 2024.

Session: “Probabilistic and statistical foundations of machine learning for stochastic processes”, Joint Statistical Meeting (JSM), Portland (USA), August 2024.

Valeria Vegh Weis

Who Can Organize and Exercise Effective Resistance? A Southern Criminology Perspective on the Victimology of State Crime?”, European Group Conference for the Study of Deviance and Social Control, University of Turku (Finland), 29 August 2023.

“Criminalization of Activism. One year later”, University of Turku (Finland), 30 August 2023.

“What does Lawfare mean in Latin America? A new framework for understanding the criminalization of progressive political leaders?“, European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control, University of Turku (Finland), 30 August 2023.

“What do we Actually Know about Resistance?”, European Society of Criminology, Florence (Italy), 7 September 2023.

“Challenging Impunity for Atrocity Crimes. Bottom-Up Lessons from the South”, European Society of Criminology, Florence (Italy), 8 September 2023.

“Localizing Memory in Transitional Justice”, European Society of Criminology, Florence (Italy), 8 September 2023.

“Reading Penality from the Periphery”, Keynote, Southern Criminology Conference, Bologna University (Italy), 11 September 2023.

„Argentina, Memoria Viva - Lateinamerika im Aufbruch“, Fritz Bauer Forum & Amnesty International, Bochum (Germany), 21 September 2023.

“Criminalization of Activism in Germany”, Institut für Protest- und Bewegungsforschung, 28 September 2023.

“Lawfare: Criminalization of Democratic Politics in the Global South”, Prof. Dr. Jeßbergers Seminar, Humboldt Universität, Berlin (Germany), 9 November 2023.

“Die Kolonialität der Macht und das Justizsystem: eine dekoloniale Annäherung“, Lateinamerika Forum Berlin (Germany), 8 January 2024.

“Victim-driven Resistance. A New Framework, Victims and Transitional Justice: Participation, Mobilisation, Resistance Conference“, Ghent University (Belgium), 14 February 2024, online.

“Argentina and international criminal justice system“, COST Network, Oslo University (Sweden), 19 February 2024, online.

“Vincenzo Ruggiero and Anti-Criminology“, Middlesex University (UK), May 14 2024, online.

“ A Southern Perspective on Criminalisation of Activism“, Workshop Criminalisation of Dissent, Free University of Amsterdam (Netherlands), 23 May 2024.

“A Southern Perspective on Criminalisation of Activism. Revised Version“, Workshop Criminalisation of Dissent II, South Bank London University (UK), 3 June 2024.

“Lawfare in Argentina, Lawfare in Comparative Context“, University of Toronto (Canada), 13 June 2024, online.

James Wilson

“Who should write about Modern Crusader Orientalism”, presented at a workshop on Positionality in the Study of Islamic Studies, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin (Germany), 7 September 2023.

“Disentangling medieval Arabic historiography from the ‘counter-crusade’ framework”, presented at an International Conference: ‘Facing the Other – How Crusades changed societies and mentalities’, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken (Germany), 8 September 2023.

The unheralded contributions of Joseph Chahin to the field of Crusader Studies”, presented at an International Conference: ‘The Middle East and Europe, 1097-1517’, Waseda University Tokyo (Japan), 10 December 2023.

“Medieval Syria and the Onset of the Crusades“, presented at the Seminar Series of the Oxford Centre of Islamic Studies, Oxford University (UK), 31 January 2024.

Co-moderated Round Table with Eduardo Luersen on “Presenting the past in Assassin's Creed Mirage“ at the workshop on "Digital games through muddled pasts and modded history" at the University of Konstanz (Germany), 24 April 2024.
Panelists: Sarah Beaulieu (Narrative Director for Assassin’s Creed Mirage) and Raphaël Weyland (Historian at Ubisoft Montreal).

“Curating the enemy: re-reading the Recueil des historiens des croisades: historiens orientaux“, Symposium: Die Junge Zürcher Mediävistik, Universität Zürich (Switzerland), 2 May 2024.

“Medieval Syria and the Onset of the Crusades“ at the Jour Fixe of the Zukunftskolleg, University of Konstanz (Germany), 18 June 2024.

“Kumushtikīn - a Zengid Commander of “Frankish” Origin?“ at the Eighth International Conference of the Society for the Medieval Mediterranean, University of Edinburgh (UK), 25 June 2024.

Orientalist Translations and Crusade Studies: Sketching the Reception History of the Recueil des historiens des croisades: historiens orientaux“ at the workshop ‘Exploring Transmediterranean History: Communication, Flows, and Infrastructures’ at the University of Konstanz (Germany), 27 June 2024.

Alexandra Windsberger

"The doctor as perpetrator? " Université de Lorraine: 7th Rencontres du doit pénal franco-allemand/ 7th Franco-German Criminal Law Conference (Atypical Figures of Criminal Law/Criminalités Aty-piques), Metz (France), 29 September 2023.

"Efficiency and justice in the face of resource scarcity? - Human empowerment instead of algorithms and the role of (criminal) law", V. Interdisciplinary congress "Young Science and Practice" organized by the Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Foundation and the Heinz-Nixdorf-Foundation in cooperation with the Berlin University Hospital, topic: "Quality and efficiency a contradiction? - On the future of excellent medical care in economically challenging times", Selected as a speaker in Working Group 3 Medicine and Politics, Berlin (Germany), 28 November 2023, on-site.

"The Federal Administrative Court on the ban on the purchase of sodium pentobarbital - On (justified) interference with a fundamental right and the criminal law on narcotics", GwG - Gesellschaft für Personenzentrierte Psychotherapie und Beratung e.V., Arbeitsgemeinschaft Assistierter Suizid, Cologne (Germany), 11 January 2024, online.

"Keep the Immortality?! - From the internal legal standard as a task for criminal law”, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg i. Br. (Germany), 31 May 2024, on-site.

Abena Yalley

“Violence During Childbirth in Ghana: Quantitative and Qualitative Research Findings”, Symposium on Obstetric Violence in Ghana, Takoradi (Ghana), 22 August 2023, on-site.

“Violence During Childbirth in Ghana: Women’s perspectives and experiences”, Workshop on the Patterns and Dynamics of Obstetric Violence in Ghana, Cape Coast (Ghana), 24 August 2023, on-site.

“Feminism and Feminist Theories”, Lecture on Political Economy, Zeppelin University, Friedrichshafen (Germany), 31 January 2024, online.

“Body Politics: Gender, Medicalization and Obstetric Violence in Ghana”, Conference on Reproductive Justice, Amsterdam (Netherlands), 6 February 2024, on-site.

“Gender, Healthcare and Obstetric Violence in Nigeria”, Development Research Colloquium, 8 July 2024, on-site.


Gruia Badescu

  • Summer semester 2023: Remaking cities between imperial and national imaginations: From the “Paris of the East” to Transylvania and the Black Sea (course with excursion component BA/MA; excursion in August 2023), University of Konstanz
  • Winter semester 2023/24: Living Together: Cosmopolitanism and conflict in cities (BA/MA course), University of Konstanz
  • Winter semester 2023/24: Research colloquium on Eastern European History, University of Konstanz
  • Summer semester 2024: Nationalism and Empire (BA/MA course), University of Konstanz
  • Summer semester 2024: Research colloquium on Eastern European History, University of Konstanz
  • Summer semester 2024: Territory and the Politics of Space (MA course), SNSPA Bucharest (Romania)

Anamaria Bentea

  • Winter semester 2023/24, La phonologie du français et ses défits (BA/MA lecture), University of Zurich (Switzerland)
  • Summer semester 2024 : Heritage Language Development (MA seminar), University of Konstanz

Ariane Bertogg

  • Summer semester 2024: Applied Methods Seminar on Longitudinal Data Analysis. Thematic Focus on Inequalities across the Life Course (MA seminar), Sociology of Inequality, University of Konstanz

Sidney Carls-Diamante

  • Winter semester 2023/24, Evolutionary Roots of Consciousness and Cognition (block seminar), University of Konstanz

Elisa Deiss-Helbig

  • Summer semester 2024: Social groups, electoral politics and representation: Consequences of group targeting (Guest lecture to a BA course), University of Zurich (Switzerland)

Julia Ditter

  • Summer semester 2024: Literature and Medicine: Narrating Disability, Illness and Neurodiversity (MA seminar), University of Konstanz

Gisela Kopp

  • Winter semester 2023/24: Advanced Course Environmental Genomics (performing, 6 weeks full time lecture with colloquium & internship, in person, co-teaching with Prof. Epp), University of Konstanz

Bianca Gaudenzi

  • Winter semester 2022/23:  Summer School ‘Venedigs Kulturgüter in und nach den Kriegen des 20. Jahrhunderts – Schutz, Abtransport, Rückführung’, compact course for MA and PhD students, taught with PD Dr Lutz Klinkhammer (DHI Rom), funded by the Thyssen Foundation, Deutsches Studienzentrum in Venedig
  • Winter semester 2022/23: Spring school “Mediterranean History”, BA course organised by Prof Manuel Borutta and Sven Reichardt, Department of History & Sociology, University of Konstanz (Germany)

Gisela Kopp

  • Winter semester 2022/23: Advanced Course Environmental Genomics (performing, 6 weeks full time lecture with colloquium & internship, in person, co-teaching with Prof Epp), University of Konstanz (Germany)
  • Summer semester 2023: Lecture Evolutionary Organismal Biology - section Sociality & Evolution (performing, 1 lecture/term in lecture series, in person), University of Konstanz (Germany)

Morgane Nouvian

  • 19 January 2024: Honeybee physiology (lecture given as part of the course on Bees and bee pathologies), Veterinary school of Nantes (France)
  • 18 June 2023: Pheromones and pheromone processing (lecture given as part of the Advanced Course in Behavioural Neurobiology), University of Konstanz
  • Summer semester 2024: Supervision of the BSc thesis of Julia Wutschka

Christina Ruiz Agudo

  • Winter semester 2023/24: Nanochemistry and analytics (MA seminar), University of Konstanz
  • Winter semester 2023/24: Supervision of the BSc thesis of Joshua Häusler
  • Winter semester 2023/24 and summer semester 2024: Supervision of the Ph.D. theses of Lisa Hüber, Marco Genovesi, Enriko Zeller, Patricia Besirske, Britta Maier, Andra-Lisa Hoyt, Stefanie Gärtner, Annika Bastian, Yannick Emminger, Marc Staiger
  • Summer semester 2024: Materialanalytik (BA seminar), University of Konstanz

Tobias Sutter

  • Winter semester 2023/24: Datenmathematik (lecture), University of Konstanz
  • Summer semester 2024: Introduction to Machine Learning (lecture), University of Konstanz
  • Summer semester 2024: Machine Learning and Optimization (seminar), University of Konstanz

Valeria Vegh Weis

  • 2023-present: Adjunct Professor, Seminar on memory and justice, DAAD Hilde Domin Programme, University of Konstanz
  • Winter semester 2023/24 and summer semester 2024: Supervision of the Ph.D. theses of Beni Stückelberger (Ph.D. in Criminology), Universität Bern (Switzerland); and E. Gómez Alcorta, (Ph.D. in Law), Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina)

Anna Stöckl

  • Winter semester 2022/23: “Basic Skills in Biology”,  2 Practical Days and Lectures, Bachelor, University of Konstanz (Germany)
  • Summer semester 2023: Contribution to VTK Neurobiology, Masters, University of Konstanz (Germany)

Valeria Vegh Weis

  • Winter semester 2022/23: “Memory and Justice”, Seminar, DAAD Hilde Domin Programme, programme for students with a refugee status, co-coordinated by Anke Hoeffler, University of Konstanz (Germany)
  • Winter semester 2022/23: “Gender Violence, Course, LLM in Administrative Law, Escuela del Cuerpo de Abogados del Estado (post-graduate) (Argentina)
  • Winter semester 2022/23: “Green Criminology”, LLM in Criminal Justice, Bologna University (Italy)
  • Winter semester 2022/23: “Criminology”, MA in Criminology, Quilmes National University (Argentina)

James Wilson

  • Summer semester 2024: Taught session on the Modern Reception of the Medieval Mediterranean at the Mediterranean Spring School, University of Konstanz

Alexandra Windsberger

  • Winter semester 2023/24: Working Group Criminal Law AT, University of Konstanz, Seminar at the Department of Philosophy, Ethics of Digitalization, University of Saarbrücken (Germany) (together with Michael Wilhelm)
  • Summer semester 2024: Working Group Criminal Law AT, University of Konstanz, Key skills for lawyers, University of Saarbrücken (Germany) (together with Sibylle Jung)

Abena Yalley

  • Summer semester 24: Gender and Global Health (Advanced MA seminar), Department of Politics and Public Administration, University of Konstanz
  • Summer semester 24: African Feminisms, Development and Epistemologies (Advanced BA Seminar), Department of Politics and Public Administration, University of Konstanz