Events organized by fellows
Gruia Badescu
4 October 2022
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Memory and Justice
Workshop with Prof Elizabeth Jelin, Konstanz (Germany), co-organized with Valeria Vegh Weis and Anke Höffler
4 November 2022
Decolonizing the Archive: Latin American Novels as Museums
Lecture by Prof Reindert Dhondt (Utrecht), Konstanz (Germany), co-organized with KoLaF
18 November 2022
Memories for the future: Contemporary memory debates in Barcelona
Lecture by Dr Kathrin Golda Pongratz, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya & Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (Spain)
19 November 2022
Representing difficult pasts in museums
Workshop with Dr Simina Badica, House of European History, Brussels (Belgium)
6 July 2023
Memory, Space and Place
Panel at the Memory Studies Association Annual Conference, Newcastle (United Kingdom)
Armin Bahl
21 November 2022
Multi-photon and label-free microscopy
Workshop on light-sheet, Julia Ferrer Ortas (CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique) and Antoine Hubert, Sorbonne, Paris (France)
9 December 2022
Multiplication methods in the fly visual system
Workshop, Lukas Groschner, Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology (Germany)
24 February 2023
Emotions and motivated behaviour in zebrafish and Danionella cerebrum
Workshop by Jakob von Trotha, PhD, TU Braunschweig (Germany)
Anamaria Bentea
3-4 July 2023
Heritage Language Syntax 4
Workshop, Wolkenstein-Saal, Kulturzentrum Konstanz (Germany)
Ariane Bertogg
1-3 March 2023
Brain health Policy - Population brain health as a new criterion to inform policymaking: Life-course and gender considerations
Workshop, University of Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
Gabriella Gall
1-14 August 2023
Decolonialization of collective behaviour research: Empowering young South African scientists for engaging in field research
Field course at the Kalahari Research Centre (South Africa)
Bianca Gaudenzi
16 September 2022
L’opera da ritrovare
International workshop of the Working Group for the study and research on cultural property taken from the Jews in Italy between 1938 and 1945 as a result of the Racial Laws (Italian Ministry of Culture, Decree No. 323 of 17 July 2020), Sala Macchia, Central National Library, Rome (Italy)
Gisela Kopp
5 March 2023
Biological data from African rock art
Workshop, initiator and organizer, Frobenius Institute, Frankfurt (Germany)
12-14 June 2023
Animating ancient trade routes through primate lifeways
Workshop, Zukunftskolleg, Konstanz (Germany)
Eduardo Luersen
3 November 2022
The Internet as Museum of Computing
Public lecture, Speaker: Peter Krapp (Senior Fellow at the Zukunftskolleg and Professor of Film and Media Studies at the University of California, Irvine).
University of Konstanz (Germany)
4 November 2022
Scientific retreat at the Zentrum für Kunst und Medien (ZKM)
Karlsruhe (Germany)
Daniela Rößler
September 2022
Outreach seminar on spiders for 6th graders at the Integrierte Gesamtschule (IGS), Hermeskeil (Germany)
January 2023
Outreach seminar on rainforests for kindergarten children at the KiTa St. Martinus in Trier (Germany)
14-20 August 2023
Embracing diversity: comparative sleep research in non-model organisms
Symposium organization for the international “Behaviour” conference, invited speaker: Prof Dr Niels Rattenborg. Lead organizer: Daniela C. Rößler, co-organizers: Meg Crofoot, Pritish Chakravarty, Bielefeld (Germany)
Valeria Vegh Weis
14 September 2022
Southern Criminology and Crimes of the Powerful
Panel discussion, European Society of Criminology, Lausanne (Switzerland)
14 September 2022
Transitional Justice, State Crime and Qualitative Methods
Panel Discussion, European Society of Criminology, Lausanne (Switzerland)
4 October 2022
Memory and Justice
Workshop with E. Jelin, University of Konstanz (Germany)
22 December 2022
Abordajes jurídico-criminológicos de la violencia de género
Workshop, ABOGAR, Procuración del Tesoro de la Nación, Argentina
16 February 2023
Reparaciones para los Pueblos Latinoamericanos I
Workshop, Argentina-Spain-Germany, online
22 May 2023
Reparaciones para los Pueblos Latinoamericanos II
Workshop, Argentina-Spain-Germany, online
James Wilson
18-20 April and 24-25 July 2023
Design. Thinking, Making, Doing. Thinking about design and thinking with design to solve big questions
Workshop, joint Martin Buber and Zukunftskolleg Symposium, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel) and the University of Konstanz (Germany)
12 July 2023
The Relations between the EU and the Southern Mediterranean Countries
Public talk by Michael Köhler (EU Commission), University of Konstanz (Germany)
Abena Yalley
7 December 2022
Abuse and Humiliation in the Delivery Room: Pattern and Dynamics of Obstetric Violence in Ghana
Public lecture, University of Konstanz (Germany), hybrid
19-21 June 2023
Narrative Exposure Therapy for Trauma Victims
Symposium, University of Konstanz (Germany), hybrid
Grants and distinctions
Armin Bahl
- NIH U19 Collaboration Grant: with Florian Engert, Jeff Lichtman, and Marc Fishman (Harvard University): “The heart and the mind: an integrative approach to brain-body interactions in the zebrafish”, 288,750 US-D
- ERC Starting Grant, “Neural basis of zebrafish collective decision-making”, 1.5 Million EUR
- BBSRC International Partnerships funding with Robert Hindges (Kings College London): A closed-loop visual stimulation system to study neural circuits underlying animal behaviour, 44,448.46 GBP
Sidney Carls-Diamante
- Konstanzia Transition Fellowship, University of Konstanz, July-December 2023
Gabriella Gall
- Centre for the Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour Small Grant, “Communication between eggs and at the nest”, 9,690 EUR
Violeta Ivanona Rohling
- EXCITE (Electron and X-ray microscopy Community for structural and chemical Imaging Techniques for Earth materials) Network (Funded from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101005611), „M-S-H formation from periclase”, 3,500 EUR, November 2022
- EXCITE (Electron and X-ray microscopy Community for structural and chemical Imaging Techniques for Earth materials) Network (Funded from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101005611), „M-S-H formation from periclase (II)“, 4,500 EUR, May 2023
- Young Scholar Fund (YSF) co-funding for research projects (UKON), “Control of the M-S-H Crystallization for Building a Green Future”, 45,973 EUR, April 2023 - March 2024
Gisela Kopp
- University Council Award, (as member of the Ukraine Support Team), University Council of the University of Konstanz, 2022
- Workshop grant, “Animating ancient trade routes through primate lifeways”, Wenner-Gren Foundation, 19,907 US-D, co-applicant: Prof N. Dominy/Dartmouth College (US)
- Internationalization measures grant, “Workshop Animating ancient trade routes through primate lifeways”, International Office, 2,000 EUR
- University Konstanz, “Flexible working conditions for Postdocs with Family Duties”, 2,460 EUR, February-December 2023
- Guest professorship in the Department of Anthropology at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire(USA), as part of the Harris Distinguished Visiting Professorship Program, 25,000 US-D
Daniela Rößler
- Young Scholar Fund (YSF), „REM sleep in jumping spiders”, 9,200 EUR, 2 years, 2022
- Granted funding for an outgoing research visit to STRI Panama (in November) by the Zukunftskolleg, May 2023
- Finalist of the 2022 PNAS Cozzarelli Prize (National Academy of Sciences) recognizing publications of outstanding scientific quality and originality
Cristina Ruiz Agudo
- DFG grant, „Deep learning methods with symmetry priors for problems in quantum computing”, 241,804 EUR
Anna Stöckl
- Hector Research Career Development Award, Hector Foundation, ca. 175,000 EUR
- Young Scientist Fund, University of Konstanz, 97,000 EUR
- ERC Starting Grant, “Closing the loop in dynamic vision – from single photons to behaviour in extreme light environments”, 1.5 Million EUR
Valeria Vegh Weis
- Tel Aviv University (Israel), „Transitional justice from below”, 10,000 EUR, July-December 2022, funding co-obtained with Prof Dr Leora Belsky
- Critical Criminology of the Year Award, “Division of Critical Criminology of the American Society of Criminology”
- ProFiL Programme Fellowship, Germany
Abena Yalley
- University of Konstanz, “Obstetric Violence in Ghana: Health Workers and Women’s Perspectives on Quality Care and Interventions”, 5,130 EUR, August-September 2023
- Fritz Thyssen Stiftung, “Body Politics: Gender, Healthcare and Obstetric Violence in Nigeria”, 152,283 EUR, October 2023 - June 2025
Media appearances
Gruia Badescu
“Scena9 magazine #5”, invited contribution in one of Romania´s leading cultural publications, Scena 9, 15.05.2022
“Mâna lungă a Kremlinului incendiază din umbră Balcanii. „Există temeri serioase de război””,, 22.08.2022
“Sudul și Estul României, mai afectate de sistematizare decât Vestul țării. „Nu era totul doar ideea lui Ceaușescu””, ,14.01.2023
“Orașul de 15 minutes. Realități și capcane conspiraționiste”, Recorder (Podcast), 05.05.2023
“Cercetătorul Gruia Bădescu: „Intervenția NATO în Serbia, momentul-cheie când Rusia și-a pierdut încrederea în Vest“”,, 28.05.2023
“Gruia Bădescu, cercetător: „În urmă cu 40 de ani, Bosnia era un exemplu al diversității, acum este o țară a segregării“”,, 28.05.2023
Jacob Bloomfield
“The Library is Officially Open: Queer Culture Historian Jacob Bloomfield on His Century-Spanning Herstory of British Drag, beginning in the 1870s”, profiled in The Bookseller, Tom Tivnan, 25.11.2022
“History’s Most Incredible Drag Queens and Kings”, Matt Cain, Source for BBC Culture, 01.02.2023
‘“For Fun, the Camp, and the Giggle”: A Post-War Drag Revue’, Source for Museum of London, Jilke Golbach, 03.04.2023
“Drag: A British History”, Review of Drag: A British History in Publishers Weekly, 26.04.2023
“Drag: A British History”, included in The Bookseller, “September 2023: Non-fiction Previews”, 09.06.2023
Bianca Gaudenzi
“Consigli per acquisti di regime”, G. Polimeni, Il Venerdì (weekly supplement to La Repubblica), p. 74, book review of her latest book Fascismi in vetrina (Viella 2023), 26.05.2023
Gisela Kopp
“We have finally found the land of Punt, where pharaohs got their gifts”, Colin Barras, New Scientist, 14.12.2022
“Das Rätsel der heiligen Paviane”, Nathaniel J. Dominy, Spektrum der Wissenschaft, May 2023
Eduardo Luersen
“Ruínas do excesso: o design dos jogos digitais como renderização das ruínas da obsolescência programada”, Ávila, C., TCAv Indica, 27.08.2022
Morgane Nouvian
“Honeybees are less likely to sting in larger groups”, on the University of Konstanz and the Centre for the Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour websites, 15.09.2022
Daniela Rößler
Mentioning of my research in the popular German Quiz show “Wer weiß denn sowas?” on ARD (episode aired 1 February 2023)
Appearance in the German popular science TV show “Galileo” on ProSieben (episode aired 7 December 2022)
Listed among National Geographic’s “22 most amazing discoveries of 2022”, December 2022
Numerous (> 300) international news articles on our research on an REM sleep-like state in jumping spiders including:
“Spiders Seem to Have REM-like Sleep and May Even Dream”, Scientific American, 08.08.2022
“Do spiders dream? A new study suggests they do.”, National Geographic, 08.08.2022
“Do Spiders Dream? A New Study Suggests They Just Might”, Wall Street Journal, 08.08.2022
“To sleep, perchance they dream?”, Harvard Gazette, 09.08.2022
“Jumping spiders might be able to sleep—perchance to dream”, Popular Science,12.08.2022
“Do Spiders Dream of Eight-Legged Sheep?”, The New York Times, 15.08.2022
“Do spiders dream?”, Science, 01.09.2022
“Dreaming: Why we hallucinate while asleep (and do spiders do it too?)”, Podcast, Tiny Matters, 21.09.2022
Valeria Vegh Weis
“Hacia un Juicio de la Verdad por los Fusilamientos de las Huelgas Patagónicas”, Telam, 14.06.2022
“Rise Up (against Neocolonial Activism)!”, Left Berlin, 25.08.2022
“¿Qué hacer si no sale el juicio político?”, Página/12, 19.01.2023
“¿Qué hacer si no sale el juicio político?”, Radio 10, 20.01.2023
James Wilson
“Situating the crusades in Syrian history: a Q&A with James Wilson”, Edinburgh University Press, 31.07.2023
Gruia Badescu
“The city as a world in common: Syncretic place-making as a spatial approach to peace”, European International Studies Association (EISA) conference, Athens (Greece), September 2022
“The Heritage of War: Ruins, Reconstructions and Dealing with the Past”, Heritage, Memory, and Identity, International Symposium of the Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities (AGYA), Santiago de Compostela (Spain), October 2022
“Of Islands and Bridges: Research (Ing) Islands across Regions and Continents”, Beyond the Mediterranean Islands and Transmediterranity, MS ISLA Workshop, Regensburg (Germany), October 2022
“Reshaping Space, Reshaping Memory: International Actors and the Post-War Reconstruction of Cities”, History and Memory in International Relations, 12th Genealogies of Memory Conference, Warsaw (Poland), October 2022
“Post-War Reconstruction and Dealing with the Past”, invited lecture, Urbicide in Ukraine online talks, Centre for Urban Studies (University of Kyiv) and National Art Museum of Ukraine, 3 November 2022, online
“Reflective Reconstruction: Architects and Making Sense of War in the Former Yugoslavia and Beyond”, Association for Slavic, East European, & Eurasian Studies (ASEEES) annual conference, Chicago (USA), November 2022
“Beirut-Sarajevo Intersections”, Performance Lecture (with Sabine el Chamaa), Bard College, Berlin (Germany), November 2022
“A new Charter for Heritage: ICOMOS and the Redefinition of Policy and Practice in the Aftermath of Conflict and Beyond”, Contested World Orders, The Global Heritage Discourse and Practice in Times of Crises and Conflict, International Conference, Bamberg (Germany), December 2022
“Difficult heritage in Europe´s periphery: Memorializing sites of political violence in a transnational, intercultural perspective after 1989”, Interculturalities, Association of Critical Heritage Studies (ACHS) conference, Santiago de Chile (Chile), December 2022
“Making Sense of Ruins: Post-War Reconstruction and Dealing with the Past”, Urban Traumas and Healings: Re-constructing cities in Ukraine, workshop, Brussels (Belgium), February 2023, online
“Reflexiones desde el campo urbano: investigando el imaginario espacial de Buenos Aires en un marco transnacional”, KOLAF Colloquium, Konstanz (Germany), 20 February 2023, online
“International Actors and the Post-War Reconstruction of Cities in the Levant”, Post-Conflict Reconstruction of Cultural Heritage in the Middle East and North Africa, conference, Doha (Qatar), 7 March 2023
“The City as a World in Common? Contested Reconstruction, Syncretic Place-Making and Urban Memory in Beirut and Beyond”, invited lecture, Centre for Advanced Middle Eastern Studies, University of Lund (Sweden), 21 March 2023
“Researching Cities in the Shadow of War”, invited lecture, “Cities, buildings, culture” programme, Vilnius (Lithuania), 23 March 2023
“Urban Geopolitics in Ordinary and Contested Cities”, invited lecture, University of Bamberg (Germany), 4 May 2023
“Cities and war: Dynamics and challenges of reconstruction”, 2023 Conference of the International Network for Urban Research and Action (INURA), Zurich/Salecina (Switzerland), 1-5 June 2023
“The Post-Socialist City. Perspectives from Bucharest”, invited lecture, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte (Brazil), 19 June 2023, online
“Architectural intentionality after destruction: Engaging with the memory of loss through place-making practice”, Memory Studies Association Annual Conference, Newcastle (UK), 3-7 July 2023
“Cities and war: Perspectives on the reconstruction of Ukraine from Southeastern Europe and beyond”, Die Ukraine und Europa, Ringvorlesung, Konstanz (Germany), 18 July 2023
Armin Bahl
“Correlated light and electron microscopy reveal recurrent circuit motives in the zebrafish hindbrain visual integrator network”, lecture, hosted by Takashi Kawashima, Weizmann Institute (Rehovot, Israel), on-site, 17 April 2023
“Imaging Structure and Function of the Zebrafish Brain Conference”, Neural basis of multi-channel information integration and decision-making, Trondheim (Norway), 30 July - 1 August 2022
“Correlated light and electron microscopy reveal recurrent circuit motives in the zebrafish hindbrain visual integrator network”, lecture, hosted by Limor Freifeld, Technion (Haifa, Israel), on-site, 13 April 2023
“Correlated light and electron microscopy reveal recurrent circuit motives in the zebrafish hindbrain visual integrator network”, lecture, hosted by Lilach Avitan, Hebrew University (Jerusalem, Israel), on-site, 21 April 2023
“Correlated light and electron microscopy reveal recurrent circuit motives in the zebrafish hindbrain visual integrator network”, lecture, hosted by Phoebe Raynolds, Robert Hindges lab, Kings College London (UK) 8 June 2023
“Correlated light and electron microscopy reveal recurrent circuit motives in the zebrafish hindbrain visual integrator network”, lecture, hosted by Ron Jortner, Cambridge University Science Improv (UK), on-site, 8 June 2023
“Correlated light and electron microscopy reveal recurrent circuit motives in the zebrafish hindbrain visual integrator network”, lecture, hosted by Dana Galili, Greg Jefferis lab, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge (UK) , 9 June 2023
Anamaria Bentea
“Complex syntactic structures in heritage language development”, online lecture at the Cyprus Acquisition Team lab, March 2023
Ariane Bertogg
“To the Fifties and Back Again? Changes in Couples’ Breadwinning Arrangements Across Phases of the Covid-19 Pandemic”, Analytical Sociology: Theory and Empirical Applications, Venice (Italy), 14-17 November 2022
“Regional Transition Regimes? Cantonal Variance in Education Policies and Young Adults’ Family Transitions”, (Post-)Doc Colloquium, Gender Studies, University of Konstanz (Germany), 25 November 2022
“Gendered Life Courses and Cognitive Functioning in Later Life: The Role of Gender Norms and Employment Biographies”, WIAS 15th Anniversary Symposium, Waseda Institute for Advanced Study, Tokyo (Japan), 13 December 2022, online
“Regional Transition Regimes? Cantonal Variance in Education Policies and Young Adults’ Family Transitions”, Kolloquium Empirische Sozialforschung, Department of Sociology, LMU München (Germany), 14 December 2022
“Regional Transition Regimes? Cantonal Variance in Education Policies and Young Adults’ Family Transitions”, LIVES Colloquium, University of Lausanne (Switzerland), 7 March 2023
Commentary on the piece “Einfache Leute” (by Anna Gschnitzer), public talk at Theater Konstanz (Germany), 21 May 2023
Jacob Bloomfield
“Joie de Vivre Amidst Repression and Danger: Case Studies from Histories of Male* Cross-Dressing, 18th-20th Centuries”, WIAS 15th-Anniversary Symposium, Waseda University, Tokyo (Japan), December 2022
“An Introduction to the History of British Drag Performance”, Waseda University (Japan), January 2023
“Gay Icons: Public Talk in the Framework of International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia on 17 May”, University of Konstanz (Germany), 17 May 2023
Sidney Carls-Diamante
“The Octopus and Consciousness: What Can We Learn?”, Early Lunch Philosophy, University of Konstanz (Germany), 8 December 2022
“Know Thyself: Bipolar Disorder and Self-Concept”, Psychosocial Medicine Colloquium, University of Heidelberg (Germany), 17 January 2023
“Are we equipped to work interdisciplinarity? On the lack of philosophical education for neuroscientists”, invited panel discussant, Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS), Paris (France), 10 July 2023
Gabriella Gall
“Group coordination and decision making”, Department Seminar, University of Auckland (New Zealand), 3 October 2022
“Pūkeko (Porphyrio melanotus) vocal signalling at the nest”, Institute Seminar, MPIAB, Konstanz (Germany), 26 May 2023
Bianca Gaudenzi
“Fascismi in vetrina. Pubblicità e modelli di consumo nel Ventennio e nel Terzo Reich”, invited lecture and Q&A with B.A. and graduate students about her new book (Viella 2023), with Francesco Torchiani and Matteo Di Tullio, Collegio Ghislieri, University of Pavia (Italy), 2 May 2023
“Consumi e cultura di massa”,“Cent’anni dopo. Il fascismo nella storiografia e nella sfera pubblica”, national conference, Istituto Storico Parri and Department of History, Culture & Civilisation, University of Bologna (Italy), 11 May 2023
“Das ehemalige Ghetto Roms, 1870 bis heute”, invited lecture with walking tour for the Gremiensitzung and the Kuratorium of the Thyssen Foundation, Rome (Italy), 18 June 2023
Gisela Kopp
“Wie geht es Hannah in anderen OECD-Ländern? Reformoptionen für wissenschaftliche Karrieren“, panel discussion, OECD Berlin Centre (Germany), 10 January 2023, online
“Analyzing non-invasive, historic, and ancient DNA to trace the history and behaviors of primates”, AcadeMIX of the Israel Young Academy, Jerusalem (Israel), 18 May 2023
“Adulis and the transshipment of baboons during classical antiquity”, workshop Animating Ancient Trade Routes through Primate Lifeways, Konstanz (Germany) 12-14 June 2023
“Zukunft der BBAW”, panel discussion, Leibniztag of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW), Berlin (Germany), 16 June 2023
Eduardo Luersen
“Heating Clouds: The Thermal Mediations of Gaming Infrastructure in Times of Streaming Platforms”, invited talk at the Medienwissenschaftliches Postdoc/Doc-Kolloquium der Universität Konstanz (Germany), 8 October 2022
“Paradoxes of Sustainable Gaming through Cloud Platforms: Is Infrastructure the Elephant in the Room?”, workshop on Video Games and Environmental Issues: Current and Future Challenges, presented at the Central and Eastern European Game Studies Conference (CEEGS 2022), Tallinn (Estonia), 13 October 2022
“Overheating Media: Gaming in the Cloud and the Thermal Entanglements of Digital Infrastructure”, talk at the Zukunftskolleg, Konstanz (Germany), 12 December 2022
“Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining: Through the Cracks of Cloud Gaming Infrastructure”, International Conference of the Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA 2023), Seville (Spain), 21 June 2023
Noelia Martinez-Doallo
“La agencia intencional prospectiva de Alan Gewirth y la titularidad universal de los derechos humanos”, Simposio Internacional: Los Nuevos Derechos Humanos: Teoría Jurídica y Praxis Política, University of A Coruna (Spain), 13 October 2022
“A Kelsenian-Inspired Explanation of Patients’ Right to Informed Consent”, annual workshop on the Vienna School of Jurisprudence and the Pure Theory of Law, organised by the Hans Kelsen Research Group, University of Freiburg, St. Peter im Schwarzwald (Germany), 4 April 2023
“The Protection of Health Rights in Europe: Enduring and Post-Brexit Challenges”, Konstanz delegation – Plenary Symposium, Yerun/Erasmus and visit to the University of Essex, Colchester (UK), 24 April 2023
“To want to know or To NOT want to know”, NetIAS Debate Series: Health. Interdisciplinary, Ethical and Alternative Approaches, IMéRA, Aix-Marseille University, Marseille (France), 25 May 2023
“Critical Perspectives on Human Rights Semantics”, Logic Colloquium, University of Konstanz (Germany), 12 June 2023
Morgane Nouvian
“Individual consistency and social regulation of honeybee stinging behaviour”, Club de Neurobiologie des Invertébrés, Toulouse (France), 7 April 2023
Daniela Rößler
“Strong behavioral evidence of a REM sleep-like state in jumping spiders.”, Hot Topic Symposium at the closing session of the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS) conference in Athens (Greece), invited by Prof Dr Tom de Boer, 30 September 2022
“All animals sleep–do all animals dream?”, biology colloquium at Goethe University Frankfurt (Germany), invited by Prof Dr Lisa Schulte, 18 October 2022
“All animals sleep–do all animals dream?”, Seminar series at the Centre for Behaviour and Evolution at Newcastle University (UK), invited by Dr Vivek Nityananda, 25 October 2022, online
“All animals sleep–do all animals dream?”, invited lecture in Contemporary Questions in Behavioral Ecology course at LMU Munich (Germany), invited by Prof Dr Niels Dingemanse, 9 November 2022, online
“All animals sleep–do all animals dream?”, biological seminar series Trier University, (Germany), invited by Prof Dr Stefan Lötters, 19 December 2022, online
"Sleep diversity–what can we learn from non-model organisms? An eight-legged example", seminar series at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology in Jena, invited by Dr Alfonso Aceves, 6 July 2023, online
“Hidden in plain sight? Testing eye camouflage in jumping spiders", poster presentation at the Behaviour conference in Bielefeld (Germany), 15 August 2023
"Ontogenetic changes of REM sleep in the jumping spider Portia fimbriata", symposium talk (Embracing diversity: comparative sleep research in non-model organisms) at the Behaviour conference in Bielefeld (Germany), talk held as a substitute for my student Nadja Geiger, 16 August 2023
Introduction talk to the symposium "Embracing diversity: comparative sleep research in non-model organisms" at the Behaviour conference in Bielefeld (Germany), 16 August 2023
"Shake that thing! Abdominal bobbing as a dynamic visual signal in a jumping spider", poster presentation at the Behaviour conference in Bielefeld (Germany), 17 August 2023
Cristina Ruiz Agudo
“Nucleation mechanism of Magnesium-Silicate-Hydrate (M-S-H) cement”, Microscopy Conference 2023, Darmstadt (Germany), 3 March 2023
“Nucleation and early growth of Magnesium Silicate Hydrate”, Goldschmidt 2023, Lyon (France), 14 July 2023
Daniel Skibra
"Assessing Desires for Mode and Content”, at the Agency and Intention in Language 3 (AIL3) workshop, University of Göttingen (Germany) & Harvey Mud College, California, (USA), 9 March 2023, online
Valeria Vegh Weis
“DESCA y Salud Mental”, Instituto Brasilero de Direitos Humanos (Brazil), 1 August 2022
“Decolonizing Transitional Justice: History and Contributions on the Crime of Forced Disappearances”, ECPR, Vienna (Austria), 24 August 2022
“Marxism and Criminology: A History of Criminal Selectivity, Fritz Sacks 90”, Geburtstag des Kriminologischen Journals, 1 September 2022
“Criminalization of Activism”, book presentation, European Group Conference, Turin (Italy), 6 September 2022
“Crimes of the Powerful Reloaded: Is the Savage-Victor-Saviour (SVS) Metaphor still valid to Study Atrocity Crimes in Germany Today?”, European Group Conference, Turin (Italy), 8 September 2022
“Criminalization of Activism”, book presentation, European Society of Criminology, Málaga (Spain), 22 September 2022
“Southering Transnational Criminal Regimes”, an Analysis of the Counter-Terrorist Northern Policies in Argentina, European Society of Criminology, Málaga (Spain), 23 September 2022
“Criminalization of Activism”, book presentation, Netzwerk Kriminologie, Freie Universität Berlin (Germany), 2 November 2022
“Criminalization of Activism”, book presentation, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg (Germany), 24 November 2022
“Criminalization of Activism”, book presentation, Universität Konstanz (Germany), 10 January 2023
“75 years after Nuremberg Re-Assessing Accountability in Post-Holocaust Germany, in Uses and Abuses of History from post-WWII trials to the Russian War in Ukraine”, Tel Aviv University (Israel), 5 December 2022
“Debatiendo la obra de R. Zaffaroni”, Mesa Redonda, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Santa Fe (Argentina), 12 December 2022, online
“Green Criminology”, Padova University (Italy), 11 February 2023, online
“The Argentinean Transitional Justice Process”, international intensive seminar on Political Crimes and Transitional Justice, KU Leuven (Belgium), 24 March 2023, online
“El papel de la memoria, la verdad y la justicia en Argentina y su relevancia para Alemania”, Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut Berlin (Germany), 24 March 2023
“Resistance to Atrocities from the Bottom-Up”, workshop on Resistance to Mass Atrocities, The Norwegian Center for Holocaust and Minority Studies (Norway), 3-4 May 2023
“Universal Jurisdiction. International Criminal Justice in the Italian Perspective”, training course for Judges and Prosecutors, Università degli Studi di Milano (Italy), 12 May 2023
“What do we know about Resistance? A Systemic Review”, seminar Prof Anke Hoeffler, University of Konstanz (Germany), 14 June 2023
“Criminalization of Activism”, workshop, London South Bank University (UK), 15 June 2023, online
“Introduction: David O. Friedrichs and State Crime Criminology”, State Crime Criminology Seminar, Freie Universität Berlin (Germany), 19 June 2023
“A Victim-Driven Approach to Transitional Justice”, workshop “All things change the same? Inception workshop of the research network”, Bayreuth Universität (Germany), 22 June 2023
“Othering: subtle shortcomings in Germany’s process of dealing with the past”, International Association of Genocide Scholars Conference, Universidad de Barcelona (Spain), 11 July 2023
“Southering Blue Criminology. The Argentine Navy and the abolitionist initiatives in the prosecution of illegal fishing”, Third International Conference Punishment in Global Peripheries, Mumbai (India), 18 July 2023
“Who can organize and exercise effective resistance? A southern criminology perspective on the victimology of state crime?”, European Group Conference for the Study of Deviance and Social Control, University of Turku (Finland), 29 August 2023
“What does Lawfare mean in Latin America? A new framework for understanding the criminalization of progressive political leaders?”, European Group Conference for the Study of Deviance and Social Control, University of Turku (Finland), 30 August 2023
James Wilson
“Tracing the routes of modern Crusader Orientalism”, Zukunftskolleg Jour Fixe, Konstanz (Germany), 17 January 2023
“Translating Arabic Crusade Chronicles in 19th Century France”, Konstanz Mediterranean Platform, Konstanz (Germany), 3 May 2023
“The colonial era roots of the Medieval Islamic ‘Counter-Crusade’”, International Medieval Congress, Leeds (UK), 5 July 2023
Abena Yalley
“Restitution is equal to What? The return of the head of Badu Bonso II to Ghana”, International Conference on Negotiating the Human, University of Geneva (Switzerland), 16 September 2022
“Restitution is equal to What?”, Interdisciplinary Workshop on Memory and Justice, University of Konstanz (Germany), 4 October 2022
“Body Politics, Gender and Obstetric Violence in Ghana”, Development Research Group Colloquium, Department of Politics and Public Administration, University of Konstanz (Germany), 13 October 2022, hybrid
“Restitution is equal to What? The Implications of the Restitution of the Head of Badu Bonso II on the Ahanta People in Ghana”, Anthropology Colloquium, Department of Sociology, University of Konstanz (Germany), 6 December 2022, on-site
“Abuse and Humiliation in the Delivery Room: Patterns and Dynamics of Obstetric Violence in Ghana”, Public Lecture in the Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich (Germany), 25 January 2023, hybrid
“Obstetric Violence Research in Ghana”, Erasmus Exchange in the University of Essex (UK), 24 April 2023
“It is a Coup: Feminism, protests and Feminist Movements in Contemporary Nigeria”, 9th European Conference on African Studies, University of Cologne (Germany), 31 May 2023
“Gender, Afrocentrism and African Feminisms: The Struggle Towards Equality”, Diversity Days in University of Konstanz (Germany), 12 June 2023
“'IT IS A COUP': Feminism, protests and feminist movements in Contemporary Africa”, Round Table on Shaping Protests: Activist practices to form resistance, 9 December 2022, online
“Gender Clash: Hostile masculinity and feminist performance in researching policing domestic violence in Ghana and Nigeria”, Ethnographies with the Police: Workshop on Intersectionality and Ethnographic Research, University of Warwick (UK), 7 July 2023, hybrid
“We beat them to help them push: midwives’ perspectives on obstetric Violence in Ghana”. EADI CEsA General Conference 2023: Towards New Rhythms of Development, University of Lisbon (Portugal), 11 July 2023, hybrid
Gruia Badescu
- Winter semester 2022/23: “Dealing with the Past: Memory and Justice in Eastern Europe and Latin America” (course, BA/MA, co-taught with Valeria Vegh-Weis, Department of Law), University of Konstanz (Germany)
- Summer semester 2023: “Territory and the Politics of Space”, MA course, SNSPA Bucharest (Hungary)
- Summer semester 2023: Research colloquium on Eastern European History, University of Konstanz (Germany)
- Summer semester 2023: “Remaking cities between imperial and national imaginations: From the 'Paris of the East' to Transylvania and the Black Sea” (course with excursion component BA/MA), University of Konstanz (Germany)
Armin Bahl
Winter semester 2022/23 and summer semester 2023:
- Lecture series on Animal Physiology and Neurobiology for Bachelor Students, University of Konstanz (Germany)
- Advanced course in Behavioral Neurobiology for Master students, University of Konstanz (Germany)
- Zebrafish Journal Club for Bachelor, Master, and Ph.D. students, University of Konstanz (Germany)
- Neurobiology Seminar for all group members from the neurobiology groups at the Biology Department, University of Konstanz (Germany)
Anamaria Bentea
- Winter semester 2022/23: “Psycholinguistique et acquisition du langage”, lecture, University of Zürich (Switzerland)
Ariane Bertogg
- Winter semester 2022/23: “Social Inequality and the Welfare State”, sociology seminar, Universität Zürich (Switzerland)
- Winter semester 2022/23: “Post-Covid Gesellschaft(en)”, MA Soziologievorlesung, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (Germany)
- Winter semester 2022/23: “Ungleichheit im Wohlfahrtsstaat”, MA Soziologie Seminar, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (Germany)
- Winter semester 2022/23: “Globale Gesellschaft”, MA Soziologie Kolloquium, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (Germany)
- Summer semester 2023: “Herausforderungen Alternder Gesellschaften“, BA Soziologie Vorlesung, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (Germany)
- Summer semester 2023: “Herausforderungen Alternder Gesellschaften”, BA Soziologie Übung zur Vorlesung, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (Germany)
- Summer semester 2023: “Zwischen Ageismus und Silver Consumers”, MA Seminar, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (Germany)
- Summer semester 2023: “Forever Young? Lebensläufe in der Postmoderne“, BA Soziologie Übung Spezielle Soziologische Gebiete, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (Germany)
- Summer semester 2023: Übung zur Bachelor- und Masterarbeit, BA/MA Soziologie, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (Germany)
Svetlana Boycheva-Woltering
- Summer semester 2023: VTK in Plant Physiology: Supervision of 1 student for 6 weeks, University of Konstanz (Germany)
- Summer semester 2023: “GWAS overview and application in plant biology”, lecture, University of Konstanz (Germany)
- Summer semester 2023: Supervision of 1 bachelor student – 12 weeks (ongoing since June 2023), University of Konstanz (Germany)
Jacob Bloomfield
- Winter semester 2022/23: “A History of Drag”, (adult learners), Bishopsgate Institute, London (UK), online
Sidney Carls-Diamante
- Winter semester 2022/23: “Know thyself: Bipolar disorder and self-concept”, guest lecture, University of Primorska, Koper (Slovenia)
Gabriella Gall
- Winter semester 2022/23: Tools to measure individual behaviour in the wild and in the lab, Guest lecture to 3rd year BSc course at Plymouth University (UK), online
- Summer semester 2023: Introduction to animal behaviour, ethics and data collection methods, University of Konstanz (Germany)
- Summer semester 2023: Introduction to GPS and remote sensing data collection and analysis, University of Konstanz (Germany)
Bianca Gaudenzi
- Winter semester 2022/23: Summer School ‘Venedigs Kulturgüter in und nach den Kriegen des 20. Jahrhunderts – Schutz, Abtransport, Rückführung’, compact course for MA and PhD students, taught with PD Dr Lutz Klinkhammer (DHI Rom), funded by the Thyssen Foundation, Deutsches Studienzentrum in Venedig
- Winter semester 2022/23: Spring school “Mediterranean History”, BA course organised by Prof Manuel Borutta and Sven Reichardt, Department of History & Sociology, University of Konstanz (Germany)
Gisela Kopp
- Winter semester 2022/23: Advanced Course Environmental Genomics (performing, 6 weeks full time lecture with colloquium & internship, in person, co-teaching with Prof Epp), University of Konstanz (Germany)
- Summer semester 2023: Lecture Evolutionary Organismal Biology - section Sociality & Evolution (performing, 1 lecture/term in lecture series, in person), University of Konstanz (Germany)
Noelia Martinez-Doallo
- Winter semester 2022/23: “Law & Biomedicine”, lecture, Department of Law, University of Konstanz (Germany)
Morgane Nouvian
- Winter semester 2022/23: "Honeybee physiology", lecture given as part of the course on Bees and bee pathologies, Veterinary school of Nantes (France)
- Winter semester 2022/2023: Supervision of PhD student Daniela Ramirez-Moreno, University of Konstanz (Germany)
- Summer semester 2023: "Pheromones and pheromone processing", lecture given as part of the Advanced Course in Behavioural Neurobiology, University of Konstanz (Germany)
- Summer semester 2023: Supervision of the BSc thesis of Johanna Ott, University of Konstanz (Germany)
Daniela Rößler
- Summer semester 2023: “From natural history observations to experiments”, seminar, University of Konstanz (Germany)
Cristina Ruiz Agudo
- Winter semester 2022/23: “Atomic Force Microscopy”, MA lecture in Nanochemistry and analytics, University of Konstanz (Germany)
- Summer semester 2023: “Atomic Force Microscopy”, BA lecture in Materialanalytik, University of Konstanz (Germany)
Anna Stöckl
- Winter semester 2022/23: “Basic Skills in Biology”, 2 Practical Days and Lectures, Bachelor, University of Konstanz (Germany)
- Summer semester 2023: Contribution to VTK Neurobiology, Masters, University of Konstanz (Germany)
Valeria Vegh Weis
- Winter semester 2022/23: “Memory and Justice”, Seminar, DAAD Hilde Domin Programme, programme for students with a refugee status, co-coordinated by Anke Hoeffler, University of Konstanz (Germany)
- Winter semester 2022/23: “Gender Violence, Course, LLM in Administrative Law, Escuela del Cuerpo de Abogados del Estado (post-graduate) (Argentina)
- Winter semester 2022/23: “Green Criminology”, LLM in Criminal Justice, Bologna University (Italy)
- Winter semester 2022/23: “Criminology”, MA in Criminology, Quilmes National University (Argentina)
James Wilson
- Summer semester 2023: “Crusading in the Medieval Mediterranean”, Course, University of Konstanz (Germany)
Abena Yalley
- Winter semester 2022/23: “Gender, Race and Migration: An Afrocentric Perspective”, European Identities Winter School
- Summer semester 2023: “Gender and Development”, Advanced Bachelors Seminar, Department of Politics and Public Administration, University of Konstanz (Germany)
- Summer semester 2023: “African Feminisms”, Research and Development, Advanced Bachelors Seminar, Department of Politics and Public Administration, University of Konstanz (Germany)
Gruia Badescu
Bădescu, G. 2022: The City as a World in Common: Syncretic Place-Making as a Spatial Approach to Peace. In: Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. doi: 10.1080/17502977.2022.2132093
Bădescu, G. 2022: Urban Geopolitics in ’Ordinary’ and ’Contested’ Cities: Perspectives from the European South-East. Geopolitics. 1-26. 10.1080/14650045.2022.2129010.
Bădescu, G. 2022: From Urban Image to Urban Imaginary: Shaping the Paris of Latin America in a Global Perspective. In: SALMON, Carole, ed., 2022. Paris in the Americas: Yesterday and Today. Wilmington, DE:Vernon Press. ISBN 978-1-64889-505-0
Armin Bahl
Voigt FF, Reuss AM, Naert T, Hildebrand S, Schaettin M, Hotz AL, Whitehead L, Bahl A, Neuhauss SCF, Roebroeck A, Stoeckli ET, Lienkamp SS, Aguzzi A, Helmchen F. 2023: Reflective multi-immersion microscope objectives inspired by the Schmidt telescope. Nat Biotechnol. 2023 Mar 30. doi: 10.1038/s41587-023-01717-8.
Vohra, Sumit K., Philipp Harth, Yasuko ISEO, Armin Bahl, Haleh Fotowat, Florian Engert, Hans-Christian Hege, Daniel Baum, 2023: A Visual Interface for Exploring Hypotheses about Neural Circuits. In: IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. IEEE. ISSN 1077-2626. eISSN 1941-0506. doi: 10.1109/TVCG.2023.3243668
Anamaria Bentea
Bentea, A., Theodoros M., 2022: Multiple wh-interrogatives in child heritage Romanian: On-line comprehension and production. In: Frontiers in Psychology. Frontiers Research Foundation. 13, 2022, 1018225. eISSN 1664-1078. Available under: doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1018225
Bentea, A., Durrleman, S., 2022: Person Matters: Relative Clauses in the Acquisition of French. In: Isogloss: Open Journal of Romance Linguistics. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. 8(5), 2022, 2. eISSN 2385-4138. doi: 10.5565/rev/isogloss.214
Bentea, A., Shlonsky, U. & Durrleman, S. 2023: Towards a hierarchy of featural mismatch effects in the acquisition of A’-dependencies: A comprehension study with French children. Proceedings of the 47th Annual Boston University Conference in Language Development
Ariane Bertogg
Bertogg, A., 2023: Needs or obligations? The influence of childcare infrastructure and support norms on grandparents’ labour market participation. In: Journal of European Social Policy. 33(1), S. 17-33. ISSN 0958-9287.
Bertogg, A.; Leist, A. K. 2023: Gendered life courses and cognitive functioning in later life: the role of context-specific gender norms and lifetime employment. In: European Journal of Ageing. 20(7), online first.
Bertogg, A.; Settels, J. 2023: Dependent on One’s Past? How Lifetime Employment Shapes Later Life Work-Care Reconciliation. In: Community, Work, and Family, in press. 10.1080/13668803.2023.2229002
Jacob Bloomfield
Bloomfield, J., 2022: Vincent L. Stephens: Rocking the Closet: How Little Richard, Johnnie Ray, Liberace, and Johnny Mathis Queered Pop Music. In: Cultural History. Edinburgh University Press. 11(1), 2022, pp. 112-114. ISSN 2045-290X. eISSN 2045-2918. Available under: doi: 10.3366/cult.2022.0258
Bloomfield, J., 2023: Drag: A British History. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. ISBN 9780520393325
Sidney Carls-Diamante
Carls-diamante, S., 2022: Where Is It Like to Be an Octopus? In: Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience. Frontiers Research Foundation. 16, 2022, 840022. eISSN 1662-5137. doi: 10.3389/fnsys.2022.840022
Carls-diamante, S., 2022: Know thyself: bipolar disorder and self-concept. In: Philosophical Explorations. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. ISSN 1386-9795. eISSN 1741-5918. doi: 10.1080/13869795.2022.2147982
Carls-diamante, S., 2022: The argument from Evel (Knievel): daredevils and the free energy principle. In: Biology & Philosophy. Springer. 37(5), 2022, pp. 37-44. ISSN 0169-3867. eISSN 1572-8404. doi: 10.1007/s10539-022-09872-z
Gabriella Gall
Averly, B., Sridhar, V.H., Demartsev, V, Gall, G., Manser,M. Strandburg-peshkin, A., 2022: Disentangling influence over group speed and direction reveals multiple patterns of influence in moving meerkat groups. In: Scientific reports. Springer Nature. 12(1), 2022, 13844. eISSN 2045-2322. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-17259-z
Bianca Gaudenzi
Gaudenzi, B., 2023: Fascismi in vetrina: Pubblicità e modelli di consumo nel Ventennio e nel Terzo Reich. Roma: Viella. ISBN 979-12-5469-296-7
Gaudenzi, B., 2023: Competing memories? The Holocaust and colonial atrocities in German history, with contributions by David Blackbourn, Rita Chin, Gustavo Corni, Marie Muschalek, Sven Reichardt, Hannah Tzuberi, Passato e Presente 118, 18-52, doi: 10.3280/PASS2023-118002
Gaudenzi, B., 2023: Cultural Restitution and the ‘Rediscovery’ of the Holocaust in Italy, 1989–2003. Journal of Modern European History, 21(3), 377–394. Doi: 10.1177/16118944231180426
Gisela Kopp
Kopp, Gisela H., Riashna Sithaldeen, Franziska Trede, Franziska Grathwol, Christian Roos, Dietmar Zinner, 2023: A Comprehensive Overview of Baboon Phylogenetic History. In: Genes. MDPI. 14(3), 2023, 614. eISSN 2073-4425. doi: 10.3390/genes14030614
Kopp, Gisela H., Riashna Sithaldeen, Franziska Trede, Franziska Grathwol, Christian Roos, Dietmar Zinner, 2023: A Comprehensive Overview of Baboon Phylogenetic History. In: Genes. MDPI. 14(3), 2023, 614. eISSN 2073-4425. doi: 10.3390/genes14030614
Holzapfel, M., 2023: Young Scientists - 30 Forschende und ihre Wege in die Wissenschaft. Die Junge Akademie (ed). Hanser Verlag
Eduardo Luersen
Luersen, EH., 2022: Entrelaçando design e ficção scientific: O caso de Daleko. In: Prometeica - Revista de Filosofía y Ciencias. Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Especial), 2022, pp. 91-111. eISSN 1852-9488. doi: 10.34024/prometeica.2022.Especial.13471
Da Silva de Paula, B., Luersen, EH., 2023: Gambiarra and the In(ter)dependent Condition: Ecological Relationships in the Construction of Experimental Musical Instruments. In: Resonance: The Journal of Sound and Culture. University of California Press. 4(2), 2023, pp. 143-157. eISSN 2688-867X. doi: 10.1525/res.2023.4.2.143
De Paula, BS., Luersen, EH. 2023: Gambiarra e a Condição In(ter)dependente: Relações Ecológicas na Construção de Instrumentos Musicais Experimentais. In Castanheira, JCS et al. Poderes do Som: Borderline Sonorities. Florianópolis: Insular Livros. (In Press).
Conference proceedings (accepted)
Luersen, EH., 2023: Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining: Through the Cracks of Cloud Gaming Infrastructure. In Proceedings of DiGRA 2023 Conference - Limits and Margins of Games. Digital Games Research Association: DiGRA.
Translated article (in Press)
Fuchs, M. 2023: Sintonizado em quê? O assustador renascimento da estetização da política. Translated to Portuguese by Eduardo Luersen. Líbero, Vol. 25, n. 52. ISSN 2525-3166. (In Press).
Journal Articles / Book Chapters (submitted / under review)
Luersen, EH., 2024: Sound Design and Memory in the Instantiation of Digital Game Worlds: An Essay on Iconophonics. Syn-Thèses: Intermedial Crossovers in Audiovisual and Interactive Arts, Vol. 15. eISSN: 2585-2647. (Abstract Accepted. Full manuscript to be submitted by October).
Luersen, EH., 2024: Above and Within the Earth: Flight Simulator and the Metabolic Connections Between a Simulated World and its Twin Systems. In Joyeux-Prunel, B., Vaillancourt, T., Bekirov, A., and Monico, RL. The Struggle for Digital Images: An Agonistic Perspective of New Media Floods. University of Geneva. (Invited Author / Under review).
Luersen, EH. and Paula, J., 2023: Exoplanetary Exploration and the End of the World in 22 Minutes: Philosofiction in Outer Wilds. Games and Culture, Vol. 18, no. 8. ISSN 1555-4120. (Under review).
Noelia Martinez-Doallo
Martínez-Doallo, N., (under review). The Human Rights Basis for Patients’ Right to Informed Consent: A Theory of European Human Rights Norms. Law and Philosophy.
Martínez-Doallo, N., (under preparation). The Issue of Bodily Rights Alienation. In: J.-A. Seoane and O. Vergara (eds.), The Discourse of Biorights. Bioethics, Biopolitics, Biolaw. Springer International Publishing Switzerland.
Martínez-Doallo, N., 2023: La teoría de los principios de Robert Alexy. Algunas notas acerca de su interpretación. In: G. Villa-Rosas et al. (eds.), Derecho, argumentación y ponderación. Ensayos en honor a Robert Alexy. Bogotá: Universidad Externado de Colombia, pp. 287–318.
Morgane Nouvian
Scarano, F., Deivarajan Suresh, M., Tiraboschi, E., Cabirol, A., Nouvian, M., Nowotny, T., & Haase, A., 2023: Geosmin suppresses defensive behaviour and elicits unusual neural responses in honey bees. Sci Rep. 2023;13(1):3851. Published 2023 Mar 8. doi:10.1038/s41598-023-30796-5
Nouvian, M., Foster, J. J., & Weidenmüller, A., 2023: Glyphosate impairs aversive learning in bumblebees. Sci Total Environ. 2023; 898:165527. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.165527
Daniela Rößler
Longbottom, C., Falk, J. J., Greenway, E. V., Johnson, M. G., Ramos, C., Rößler, D. C., et al. 2022: Why does the matador bug, Anisoscelis alipes (Hemiptera: Coreidae), wave its brightly colored legs? Journal of Insect Behavior, 35(5-6), 171-182. doi:10.1007/s10905-022-09809-0.
Rößler, D. C., Kim, K., De Agrò, M., Jordan, A., Galizia, C. G., & Shamble, P. S. 2022: Regularly occurring bouts of retinal movements suggest an REM sleep-like state in jumping spiders. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119(33), e2204754119. doi:10.1073/pnas.2204754119
Kikuchi, D. W., Allen, W. L., Arbuckle, K., Aubier, T. G., Briolat, E. S., Burdfield-Steel, E. R., Cheney, K. L., Daňková, K., Elias, M., Hämäläinen, L., Rößler, D. C., Exnerová, A. 2023: The evolution and ecology of multiple antipredator defences. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, (early view).
Plate, J. & Rößler, D.C., (in press): Variation in predator recognition across three species of jumping spiders (Salticidae). Animal Behavior and Cognition
Cristina Ruiz Agudo
Liu, X., Feng*, P., Ruiz-Agudo, C.*, Sun, H., Yu, X., Avaro, J., Huang, J., Hou, D., Ran, Q., Hong, J., Liu, J., Miao, C., Cölfen, H.*: Nacre-like Ultra-tough Calcium Silicate Hydrate (C-S-H) Composite towards Elastic Cementitious Materials (submitted to Advanced Functional Materials).
Ruiz-Agudo, C.* and Cölfen, H.*: Sustainable Cement and Concrete (submitted to Chemical Reviews).
Ruiz-Agudo, C.*, Emminger, y. h., Mause, j., debus, c., Ruiz-Agudo, e.: co-precipitation of boron and magnesium during amorphous calcium carbonate formation (submitted to chemical geology).
Ruiz-Agudo, C., Ibañez-Velasco, a. Ruiz-Agudo, c., Bonilla-Correa, s., Elert, k., Rodriguez-Navarro, C.: Damage to porous building materials by sodium carbonate crystallization and the effect of additive (submitted to Construction and Building Materials)
Marsiske, M., Köser, R.R., Bäumle, B., Ruiz-Agudo, C.* 2023: Uncovering the Early Stages of Magnesium Silicate Hydrate Formation: A Non-classical Multistep Pathway. ACS Applied Engineering Materials. 1 (1), 696–707
Daniel Skibra
Frühauf, F., Hadil K., Todor K., Natasha K., Doris P., Daniel S., 2023: Vanilla Rules: The ‘no ice cream’ construction. Sinn und Bedeutung 27. Prague, Sep 14, 2022 - Sep 16, 2022. In: 2023 Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 27. Konstanz: University of Konstanz. eISSN 2629-6055
Anna Stöckl
Stöckl, A., Foster J. 2022: Night skies through animals' eyes — quantifying night-time visual scenes and light pollution as viewed by animals. Front. Cell. Neurosci. 16:984282. 10.3389/fncel.2022.984282
Richter, R., Dietz, A., Foster, J., Spaethe, J., Stöckl, A. 2023: Flower patterns guide bumblebee approach flights and landings for improved foraging efficiency. Funct. Ecol. doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.14262
Valeria Vegh Weis
Vegh Weis, V., 2022: Justicia Transicional y Derechos de los Pueblos, in: Tratado Ecofeminista de Derechos Humanos y Derechos Económicos Sociales y Culturales, Lubertino (ed.), Rubinzal, pp. 393-420.
Vegh Weis; V., 2022: El Lawfare como Golpe por Goteo. Un Análisis desde la Criminología Crítica sobre Democracia, Sistema Penal y Medios en Latinoamérica, in: El lawfare en América Latina y su Impacto en la Vigencia de los Derechos Humanos, Ministerio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos de la Argentina (ed.), SAIJ-INFOJUS, pp. 49-80.
Vegh Weis, V., Katz and Martínez 2022: El Povo Organizado. El Caso Andalgalá, in: Introdução à Criminologia Verde: Perspectivas Críticas, Descoloniais e do Sul, M. Budó et al. (eds.), Tirant Le Blanch.
Vegh Weis, V. 2022: Criminalizing Atrocity: The Global Spread of Criminal Laws against International Crimes (Review). In: Legal History, Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory, Mark S. Berlin, Rg.
Vegh Weis, V., Zaffaroni, E. Raúl, Caamaño, C., 2022: The Criminalization of Democratic Politics in the Global South, Brill, 2022. Republished in paperback. Haymarket Books, 2022
Vegh Weis, V., 2022: Kriminalisierung des Bösen. Book Review: Criminalizing Atrocity: The Global Spread of Criminal Laws against International Crimes, by Mark S. Berlin, in Legal History, Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory, vol. 30, pp. 1-3.
Vegh Weis, V., 2022: Who Can Organize and Exercise Effective Resistance? A Victim-Driven Approach to Confront State Crime, Theoretical Criminology, online first.
Vegh Weis, V., 2022: What Does Lawfare Mean in Latin America? A New Framework for Understanding the Criminalization of Progressive Political Leaders, Punishment & Society, online first. Republished in: Vegh Weis (2023) Revista LEX de Criminologia & Vitimologia 3, no. 7, pp. 133-158.
Vegh Weis, V., 2022: La Memoria como Narrativa para la No Repetición. Reflexiones acerca de las Transiciones en Colombia y Argentina, Revista de Estudios Psicosociales Latinoamericanos 4, pp. 146- 163.
Härter and Vegh Weis, V., 2022: Transnational Criminal Law in Transatlantic Perspective (1870-1945): Introductory Notes, Initial Results and Concepts, Rechtsgeschichte 30, pp. 84-95.
Vegh Weis, V., 2023: La Prefectura Naval Argentina y el “Cambio de Paradigma” en la Persecución de la Pesca Ilegal. Una mirada desde las Criminologías Verde y Azul, Delito y Sociedad, 55.
Vegh Weis, V., 2023: The rejection of immunities for international crimes. A solution for the survival of the International Criminal Justice Project?, in: Domesticating International Criminal Law: Reflections on the Italian and German Experiences, Jeßberger, Meloni and Crippa (eds.). Routledge.
Vegh Weis, V., 2023: Toward a Criminology of the Holocaust?, Kriminologisches Journal 55, no. 1, 38-52.
Vegh Weis, V., 2023: Exploring the World’s First Successful Truth Commission: Argentina’s CONADEP and the Role of Victims in Truth-Seeking, Journal of Human Rights Practice, online first, XX, 1–18.
Zaffaroni, R., Caamaño, C., & Vegh Weis, V., 2023: Lawfare: The Criminalization of Democratic Politics in the Global South. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill.
Teitel R., Vegh Weis, V.: (forthcoming) Transitional Justice and Human Rights, in: History of Latin American Law in Global Perspective, Duve and Herzog (eds.). Cambridge.
Vegh Weis, V.: (forthcoming) Argentine Truth Commission, in: Romero: Memory Papers, Parmentier (ed.). Leuven University Press.
James Wilson
Wilson, J. 2023: Medieval Syria and the Onset of the Crusades: The Political World of Bilad al-Sham 1050-1128. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Wilson, J.: Curating the enemy: re-reading early translations of medieval Arabic ‘crusade’ chronicles, Past and Present (submitted).
Wilson, J.: Getting away with murder in medieval Aleppo, Der Islam (submitted).
Wilson, J.: 1116–1126: Ibn al-ʿAdīm on Christian–Muslim Crop Sharing (munāṣafat) Treaties, Transmediterranean History, (forthcoming).
Abena Yalley
Yalley, A.A. 2022: Shakespeare in the bush: Gender constructions and interpretations of Hamlet by the West African Tiv. UJAH: Unizik Journal of Arts and Humanities. 23. 240-262. 10.4314/ujah.v23i1.9.
Yalley AK, Ahiatrogah S, Yalley AB, Yankson IK, Nii-Trebi NI, Yalley A.A., 2023: Did Ghana Do Enough? A Scientometric Analysis of COVID-19 Research Output from Ghana within the African Context. Diseases. 2023;11(2):56. Published 2023 Apr 1. doi:10.3390/diseases11020056
Yalley, A.A., 2023: Beyond the Laws: Analysing Police Intervention Strategies for Handling Domestic Violence in Ghana and Nigeria. BUANA GENDER Jurnal Studi Gender dan Anak. 7. 10.22515/bg.v7i2.5851.
Yalley, A. A., Abioye, D., Appiah, S. C. Y., & Hoeffler, A. 2023: Abuse and humiliation in the delivery room: Prevalence and associated factors of obstetric violence in Ghana. Frontiers in public health, 11, 988961 doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.988961
Yalley, A.A., 2023: “We Beat Them to Help Them Push”: Midwives’ Perceptions on Obstetric Violence in the Ashante and Western Regions of Ghana. In: Women. MDPI. 3(1), 2023, pp. 22-40. eISSN 2673-4184. doi: 10.3390/women3010002Article:
Vessellee DB., Yalley, A.A., Adjei DN., et al. 2023: Prevalence of Hepatitis B Virus Infection among Inmates at the Monrovia Central Prison, Liberia. Trop Med Infect Dis. 2023;8(3):139. doi:10.3390/tropicalmed8030139
Appiah, Seth C. Yaw, Yalley, A.A., Ahlin, E. A., Hoeffler, A., 2023. Obstetric violence among HIV positive and negative women in Ghana: A cross sectional study in two regions. In: BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. BioMed Central. eISSN 1471-2393. doi: 10.21203/