A different way of thinking
Over the centuries, the Spiegelhalle at the Port of Konstanz has been a storage place for many valuable goods: furs, linen, fine fabrics. On 2 July 2022, the theatre was a venue for the first time for a new precious commodity: young researchers from all over the world. The Zukunftskolleg organized a post-conference symposium in cooperation with and following the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting. Thirty outstanding early career researchers from 13 countries took part, including a delegation from Pakistan.
“This diversity of nationalities among early career researchers is a perfect fit for the University of Konstanz and the Zukunftskolleg. International early career researchers are an important part of our strategic tradition of promoting creativity and providing freedoms for researchers early in their careers. This priority is ingrained in our institutional identity,” said Malte Drescher, Vice Rector for Research, Academic Staff Development and Research Infrastructure, in his welcome speech.
The Zukunftskolleg’s aim was to bring these outstanding researchers to Konstanz and familiarize them with the university – in particular the Zukunftskolleg and, this year, the Department of Chemistry – and to strengthen cooperation with Lindau.
Art installation: the tension between gaining knowledge and failure
The symposium’s scientific programme was divided into lectures, a poster session and a discussion round. The event’s supporting programme was aimed at the general public: an exhibition in front of the Spiegelhalle presented current chemical research in the area of tension between gaining knowledge, sustainability and failure. The exhibition, under the artistic direction of Miriam M. Unterlass from the Department of Chemistry at the University of Konstanz, aimed to trigger a dialogue with visitors. Accordingly, the artists were on site and guided visitors through the exhibition.
In the scientific part, Andreas Marx, Professor for Organic Chemistry / Cellular Chemistry, talked about “Chemistry and the information beyond the genome sequence”. Professor Marx deals with the synthesis of functional biomolecules such as nucleotides, oligonucleotides, proteins and enzymes. His research has also led to numerous patent applications and the founding of the company myPOLS Biotec, which specializes in DNA polymerases and their applications in biotechnology. He has received numerous important awards for his research, including the prestigious ERC Advanced Grant twice.
Stefan Mecking, Professor of Chemical Materials Science, spoke on “Closed loop recyclable and non-persistent plastics enabled by catalysis”. His research on catalytic methods to generate degradable polyolefin materials is also supported by an ERC Advanced Grant.
Miriam M. Unterlass, Professor of Solid State Chemistry, gave a talk on “Making and breaking bonds with hot water”. Her research interests include compounds rich in aromatic and heterocyclic functions. A particular focus is on non-classical, sustainable synthesis approaches. In 2019, she founded her own start-up with a clean process for the production of plastics. For the associated patent, she and her team at the time were awarded the 2020 Austrian State Patent Prize by Vienna University of Technology.

An inspired and well-prepared audience
The audience was inquisitive and exceptionally well-prepared for meeting the outstanding researchers from the University of Konstanz. The guests asked a lot of questions and had stimulating discussions with the professors. For some guests, a long-cherished dream came true. Morlu Stevens from Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa, said: “I’ve read everything that Professor Mecking has written, and I admire his work very much. It would be great if I could do research in Konstanz.”
The Pakistani delegation also particularly enjoyed the scientific exchange and underlined the good learning conditions and the great atmosphere in the Spiegelhalle. “Such transparent, open places are very good for learning and enable a completely different way of thinking than in conventional university rooms. Here you can particularly open your mind,” said Professor Aftab Muhammad Rafiq, head of the Pakistani delegation.
Finally, Cristina Ruiz Agudo, Research Fellow at the Zukunftskolleg, reported on “The Zukunftskolleg as an interdisciplinary scientific community”. Cristina Ruiz Agudo was awarded the Werner and Erika Messmer Foundation Science Prize in 2021 for her research on the development of more sustainable cement.
Anda Lohan, Programme Director for Research and Fellows, provided an extensive overview of the Zukunftskolleg’s activities, and the audience was inspired by the numerous opportunities and possibilities offered by the fellowship programmes. Quoting Giovanni Galizia, the director of the Zukunftskolleg, she said: “Imagine a place where early career researchers are able to concentrate fully on their research projects – just think how it would be if they were given the freedom to implement their own research ideas independently…” Some guests want to apply as fellows in the next few years and look forward to seeing the Zukunftskolleg again.

Very positive feedback
In total, about 30 early career researchers took part in the event. Their feedback was more than satisfying.
Evaluation of the symposium – examples
What impressions did you get of the Zukunftskolleg?
- It might be a great opportunity for me that I’ll definitely keep in mind. I especially like the interdisciplinary approach.
- The event appears to be a very good marketing tool to attract young scientists, and it’s a nice initiative indeed.
- International atmosphere that is very interesting for starting your independent career.
- A) That Konstanz is a really beautiful city. B) The idea of the Zukunftskolleg really emphasizes an interdisciplinary way of working.
- Great place to do research.
- I am thinking very seriously about applying after my doctoral/postdoctoral degree (in 3-5 years).
- That it is an institute with very good opportunities for young researchers.
- An interesting location and programme for high-quality research in diverse, really interesting research fields; enabling independent research by young scientists with state-of-the-art equipment and methods.
- Very supportive, you can follow unconventional ideas! International, independent and very helpful! -> A great talk about that!
- The whole conference made us sure that the Zukunftskolleg is one of the greatest institutions where a lot of talented and great researchers are working. The talks and topics were amazing.
- Peaceful and amazing people. Giving, caring and informative.
- Very organized, intellectual contributions.
- I was very impressed by the type and quality of research.
Did the event meet your expectations? Why or why not?
- Yes, I obtained a very good impression about opportunities and research in Konstanz.
- Yes, it did. The event provided a good opportunity to meet some professors and learn about the research undertaken in Konstanz. It also provided a general overview of the opportunities that young scientists working here could have.
- Yes, it provided the following opportunities: 1 – networking, 2 – career development, 3 – collaboration.
- Yes! Great networking, interesting talks and poster presentations.
- Yes, a very good overview of science in Konstanz and at the Zukunftskolleg.
- The event was beyond my expectations. From Lindau till Konstanz, everything was so well organized. Lecture talks, food and discussions were very good, and the hospitality was great.
- Yes, the event exceeded my expectations. Interesting talks.
- Yes, it did. I was fortunate enough to meet Professor Stefan Mecking. I love his research and, having read a lot of his publications and those by his lab, I’ve taken a huge interest in what he does. I wish I could have a fellowship in his group.
- The event fully met my expectations. The cosy environment, small number of participants, selected research topics and an opportunity to communicate were great. I would love to attend such meetings here again.
What was your biggest takeaway?
- Ideas for my own (future) research after the great talk by Miriam Unterlass.
- The talk by Professor Unterlass was amazing! Also, now I know all about the supportive environment that the University of Konstanz offers to help young scientists at the beginning of their career.
- I should apply for the 5-year fellowship in 3-4 years ;-).
- Future research collaboration avenues, new research topics, fellowship opportunities.
- I did not know much about the Zukunftskolleg before, so learning about it was the biggest takeaway.
- Scientific research, inter-everything research, beautiful city.
- I very much appreciated the atmosphere of promoting and engaging in scientific collaborations. I think that this isn’t generally as clear as it should be.
- To learn about postdoctoral fellowships and actually get an idea about a new study.
- Really interesting talks (especially the hot water “catalysis” was very new to me and impressive). A good impression of the diverse, high-quality research performed at the Chemistry Department of the University of Konstanz.
- Being reminded of how it felt the first time I came in contact with chemistry – Miriam Unterlass was an inspiration!
- Amazing topics of the presentations gave me new ideas that I want to implement in my research.
- Biggest takeaway is to come back as a research fellow :-). I got new perspectives for my research field.
- The support by academics to further the career of young scientists.
- The diversity was magnificent, and that is something I would like to communicate with my peers.
- Information about fellowships, novel research ideas, programmes and opportunities offered by the University of Konstanz, love for the city of Konstanz.
- Outstanding event.
How can we improve in the future?
- It was very well organized. I look forward to the delegation from the Zukunftskolleg visiting us in Pakistan to explore collaboration opportunities further.
- Change the venue to the University of Konstanz and give an impression of campus (life).
- No improvement is needed :). Everything was really good. I would mention the venue, which is different from traditional symposia venues. We really loved the place, arrangements, hospitality and all the lectures.
- In future, the symposium could be arranged at the Chemistry Department of the University of Konstanz and a short tour of all facilities on the campus could be offered.